Preparing for the Daylight Saving change

Daylight Saving Time in the US, Canada and Bermuda will be four weeks longer this year, starting three weeks earlier than in the past, and ending one week later. Of course, this means that programs that rely on time conversions based on local time zones will need to be fixed. Or does it?

While there are a good deal of comparisons being made to the Y2K issue, this issue is much less of a bother for most systems. Since the majority of software relies on system time (although Java, Outlook, Exchange and Oracle use their own conversion routines and need tp be updated/patched) this leaves only systems to be updated. Here is a useful document that explains the issue, and provides links to information and/or patches for Windows, OS X, Redhat, Ubuntu and generic *nix (Unix, Linux, Solaris, etc.)

Microsoft is not providing a patch for Windows NT, 2000, or XP SP 1, unless you pay a $4000 flat fee for the hotfix. However, there is an unofficial patch available at IntelliAdmin.

Gentoo users can patch by doing an emerge --sync && emerge -u timezone-data

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