Tag: science fiction

Trunk Stories

The Exobiologists Were So Wrong

prompt: Write a story in the form of diary entries, written by an explorer as they make their way through what they thought was an untouched location.

available at Reedsy

12 Garn

I arrived in orbit around the heavy world. I’m not the first to discover it, of course. Others have placed orbital observers (OOs) around it, but if anyone has sent landers, they haven’t shared what they found. That’s why we decided it’s better to send a person down there.

Because of all the OOs, it took a while to calculate a safe orbit from which I can descend to explore and return to at the end of each day. There’s no way I could survive down there for more than a few days, despite my high-gee training.

Tomorrow, I test out that training, and this new grav lifter. It’s got an impulser stronger than even most heavy freight lifters, with a body light enough to be a racer and strong enough to be a ramming vessel.

We know there’s life down there, but what it’s like, no one’s sure. The exobiologists think they know what life will look like down there. Low plants, broad, squat animals — all small and probably exoskeletal — if there are any, with the possibility of large animals in the oceans. Honestly, I think they’re just assuming life like home with but with twice the gravity.

One thing they probably have right is that the chance for intelligent life to evolve under such extreme conditions is near-enough to non-existent. It isn’t likely to happen for this world any time before the death of their star.

The planet itself is beautiful from orbit. The blue oceans and the play of clouds reminds me of home, but the cloud formations are different, more violent.

13 Garn

One complete rotation of the planet below is equivalent to about two-thirds of a day. I figured it would be a good measure of time while I’m there. I decided to stay for one rotation then return to orbit to sleep and recover. The idea was to cover a lot of ground and gather a great deal of data and samples, while maintaining my health.

I didn’t make it through half a rotation. Just how wrong the exobiologists were was apparent before I even touched down. The “short, ground-hugging plants” were there, of course, but there were also massive, tall plants spreading their light-gathering parts high in the sky.

I took some samples of the low plants, and a dead, fallen part from one of the tall plants. There was no way I could reach it to get to the live parts.

The animals…. I don’t know where to start. Yes, the small, exoskeletal animals were everywhere, and some of them fly! The flying ones bite, and some of the others do as well. I don’t know what sort of venoms they possess, but the suit hit me with a broad-spectrum antivenin the second I got the first bite. It still hurt like fire. How could something so small hurt so bad?

Those annoying little things weren’t the only animals, though. There were tall creatures with four limbs, and a head on a long neck, able to eat the live parts of the tall plants. Knowing how hard my hearts were working even in my exosuit to keep blood to my brain, I thought it must have a chain of hearts to push blood that far against this gravity.

There were animals flying, running, walking, slithering, you name it. All of them were far larger than what I was told to expect outside of the oceans.

The thing that made me quit early for the day was the largest animal I’ve ever seen. Nothing at home even comes close to its bulk. The long-necked animal was taller but looked fragile. Not this.

It had huge flaps on the sides of its head, a thick body, four stout legs, and a tentacle on its face it used to bring things to its mouth. On either side of the tentacle, large, curved horns extended, promising quick death.

I thought that with its size it would be slow and lumbering. When the largest one waved its head-flaps and charged for me I thought I was about to die. They are not slow, and I learned that fear is a good motivator to run even under double gravity.

14 Garn

I stayed on the ship, in orbit, and rested. The few samples I collected have been analyzed and recorded, and the samples themselves disposed. The collection containers have been sterilized and I’ve been through decontamination twice.

Tomorrow, I’ll be landing far away from the giant monster animals. I’ve picked a spot that seems to have more of the tall plants. They probably don’t squeeze themselves in there. Maybe there will be more of the tall animals. They were rather amazing.

The spot I’d initially chosen for tomorrow is being hit with a massive storm. The best guess the ship’s sensors and computer can come up with is winds strong enough to blow the ship about like a mote of dust. The wind force is more than three times higher than any ever recorded at home.

15 Garn

Writing this from the surface of the planet. When I make it back to the ship, I’ll have to head home. I’d hoped for more time, but I fell, and in the heavy gravity injured myself. My leg is broken, I’m sure of it. It’s not a compound fracture at least.

When I stop and rest, like now, the world around me is filled with hoots and howls and whistles and cries. The noise is everywhere and nowhere at once. It’s as if every creature has something it wants to tell every other creature.

I’ve managed to gather a few specimens. One of them was a large, segmented, exoskeletal animal with a pair of legs at each segment. It was kind of cute until it bit me and my suit responded with antivenin again. If I thought the bite of the other creature hurt, this was on a whole different level. It still burns all the way up my arm even though my suit says I’m safe from that.

It was while I was reeling from the pain of that bite that I tripped over the base anchor of one of the tall plants. I heard it as I landed with the lower part of my leg across another one of the base anchors of the plant. It was a clear snap, followed by my howl of pain.

The rest of the creatures fell silent then and stayed that way until I got myself calm and quiet. I had a momentary fear that something was creeping up on me and I was going to become some animal’s dinner until the noises resumed as they had been.

The sheer diversity of life in this extreme gravity well is bound to have an effect on what we think we know about biology. I’ve seen plants with brightly colored organs that small flying animals drink from with long protrusions from their face. There’s one above my head right now as I lay here trying to rest.

The flying animal has a soft covering of some sort, and its wings are vibrating so fast it can hover in place while it drinks. I wish I could get a sample from it.

16 Garn

Yesterday, I had almost made it to the ship when I saw them. They were similar to the other animals, but I knew right away they were intelligent. They wore what could only be described as clothing and carried tools. Not simple sticks, either.

They communicated to others that were nowhere to be seen with small, hand-held devices. One of them made noises at me. I guessed it was trying to talk. It kept its voice soft and pointed at my leg and held up a container it carried.

I was too frightened by their predatory eyes and size to do much. They were bigger than me, bipedal, and social animals. If they wanted to disembowel me and eat me then and there, they’d have a better chance than even the giant creature I’d see the first day.

I froze in place while the creature set the container down next to me and examined my leg. It was gentle as it prodded along it with its bare fingers with no claws. When it touched near the break though, I couldn’t keep silent. It made a hissing noise and then went back to its soft voice.

It opened the container and I saw a myriad of tools I couldn’t begin to comprehend, but it pulled something out, measured it against my lower leg, then pulled out a roll of some sort of cloth. It continued with its soft voice. I couldn’t tell what it was trying to say, but it sounded like it was trying to be soothing.

The creature used the thing it had pulled out as a splint on my leg and wrapped it with the cloth. The cloth was elastic and stuck to itself. When it had finished the splint and closed up the container, it gestured as if to pick me up. The gravity had so worn me out by that point that I couldn’t fight back.

I expected to be carried back to the creature’s lair, but it carried me to my ship. It helped me into my seat and then the creatures began to chatter at each other. The tone was clear, and it seemed the one that had helped me and carried me to the ship disagreed with the other two.

I told the creature I needed to get back to orbit and go home, that the gravity was too much for me. I did my best to use gestures to make my meaning clear. The other two creatures left, and the one that had helped me sat on the floor of the ship and refused to move.

With no other choice, I ascended back into orbit. The relief from the steep gravity well was welcome and I passed out in the presence of the creature that I thought still might eat me. What would intelligent life on this planet be like? When everything else is lethal or harmful, right down to the gravity and the weather, they must be terrible monsters.

That’s what I thought yesterday, anyway. When I awoke, the creature was checking my leg. It had carried my samples on board and figured out how the sample containers fit into the analyzer and had fed them in.

I stripped out of my exosuit, and the creature removed the splint while I removed the legs of the suit. It then re-splinted my leg after checking it. It held up a small round of compressed powder and did some miming. I think it might be a medicine of some sort.

I took the compressed round and fed it into the analyzer. It was a potent analgesic that would bind to certain protein coupled receptors to cause hyperpolarization. This, in turn, would block pain signals on that path. It seems they have a similar nervous structure to our own. When the analyzer told me it was safe, I took it. There was no way I was going to anger the creature.

The pain relief was far beyond what I would’ve expected. Before I became too tired to stay awake any longer, the creature and I mimed back and forth for a while. Its name is Anee and I told it my name. I figured out their head movement behaviors for yes and no.

When I tried to tell Anee that I was going to return it to the planet it moved its head in the “no” gesture, sat on the floor, and crossed its arms. The ship’s sensors are telling me that if I don’t head home within the next day for medical treatment I will be in dire straits.

I’ve set the controls to take me home, and I’m trying to stay awake to see how the creature reacts. Perhaps I can learn

17 Garn

I passed out while writing yesterday’s journal. I woke when the analgesic wore off, and I realized the pain was far worse than I had thought. Anee seems to be worried about me and is showing me the pictures it took on its communication device.

It took several moving and still images of the OOs in orbit around the planet. It was chattering about a large one in particular when I saw it. The markings on the OOs were the same kind of markings as those on the communication device. Those weren’t other stars keeping their secrets from us after all. The creatures had managed to climb out of their hellish gravity well.

The creature also seemed enthralled by the moving image it took out the window in warp space. I see it all the time, so no big deal, but this creature had just gone faster and probably farther than any other of its species.

The creature has been trying to copy our language, and has managed to say a few words already, though its accent is exceedingly thick. It managed to say “food” when it was hungry and even seemed to enjoy the meal ration.

The automed numbed my leg, set it, and filled the area with pain killers and bone growth agents. Throughout the entire procedure, Anee held one of my hands in its own. They were warm and rough, though the touch was gentle.

Someone from the science division sent me a message that they planned to dissect Anee. I told them that if they tried, I’d kill them. I think, however, that they’d have a difficult time even containing Anee. This is the same creature that splinted my leg, then carried me in twice normal gravity to my ship.

I’m closing this out for now, as I, my ship, and Anee are in quarantine. Because of Anee, of course. I no longer feel threatened by it. It does a thing with its voice where the tones and rhythm make a pleasing sound, even though I don’t understand the words at all, and it has been spending most of the time looking after me as though I was a child or invalid…not that I mind.

Anee saw me recording my diary and made the noise Hooman while pointing at itself. I’m not sure if that is its full name, or maybe the name of its people or its species. It seemed important to Anee, so I’ve added it here, so I don’t forget.

Trunk Stories

A Quiet Day Off

prompt: Write a story about a character who wakes up in space.

available at Reedsy

Figures, Clarice thought, the one time I get to sleep in. By all logic and sense, she knew she should be dead. Instead, she was uncomfortable, annoyed and growing more so by the moment.

She could feel the side of her facing the sun heating up, the side in shadow growing colder. The only sound she heard was the beating of her own heart. When she’d opened her mouth, the moisture boiled off in the vacuum right away. High above the Earth, she found herself in an orbit where she saw the space station pass far below her.

Clarice wondered if she could get herself down there and knock on the door of the ISS. Her annoyance was momentarily allayed with the silliness of a tiny woman in pink pajamas knocking on their airlock and freaking out the astronauts.

She looked down at the Power Puff Girls pajamas she wore, compliments of being too small for most adult clothes. She tried to turn herself to change which side was toward the sun, but nothing seemed to help. She tried a swimming motion, but all it accomplished was to make her feel awkward.

A shimmer in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She whipped her head around toward where she’d seen it, and her body began to slowly rotate in the opposite direction. Of course, just when I don’t want it to.

She was still trying to figure out if she had seen something or just imagined it when it appeared in front of her. Clarice could still see the satellites and Earth below, and the moon beyond, but there was a black rectangle, reflecting no light, between her and what was beyond.

She reached a hand out and felt a solid surface. When her hand was touching it, she could hear the sound of machinery, and people. She tried to grasp on to it, find a place to hold on, but only managed to push herself away from it.

The black rectangle was slowly moving away from her, then an opened door rotated into view, as though it was pushing through from another dimension. Inside the door was a person in a space suit, tethered with a thick cable, and kicking off to come to her.

Once she’d been pulled into the airlock and the outer door closed, air began to rush in. Clarice took the first breath she’d had in far too long. She could no longer hear the slow pulse of her heart in her head. Sound filled the volume around her.

“Water,” she tried to say, but her throat was too dry. She pointed to her throat, and mimicked drinking.

The woman in the space suit removed her helmet and answered. “We’ll get you some water right away. I’m afraid you’re stuck with us for a bit.”

The inner door opened. A man floated near the door, holding a pouch with a straw and said, “Come on in.”

Clarice accepted the pouch and sucked at the straw. The soothing feeling of water returning to her mouth and throat was followed by the recognition that her lungs were every bit as dry. She still managed to croak out a “Thank you.”

The two astronauts seemed to know exactly what needed done and did so without any wasted conversation. While the woman got out out of her space suit and secured it in the straps near the airlock door, the man went about pulling medical equipment from a box that had been strapped to the wall.

He took her blood pressure while she finished the pouch of water. The woman took the empty and gave her another. While she worked on it, the man set up an IV and had the needle inserted before she knew he’d even started.

The woman put the blood pressure cuff around the IV bag and began pumping it up. She then turned to Clarice and offered her hand. “Mission Commander Agneta Ekstrand. You can call me Annie.”

Clarice shook her hand. “Clarice Whittaker.”

Annie pointed at the other astronaut, currently busy rechecking the pulse-oximeter he had placed on her finger. “That’s Ethan Valkai. If you hadn’t guessed, he’s the mission doctor.”

“Clarice,” he said with a nod.

“How many others are there on your mission?”

Annie laughed. “It’s just the two of us. We were told a body had launched into orbit, and we had to have a look.”

“A body what?”

Annie raised an eyebrow. “It was you.”

 Clarice shook her head. Nothing made sense. “But what? How did I get here? Why am I still alive?”

Ethan cleared his throat. “I don’t know how you’re still alive, to be honest. You’re a little dehydrated but show no signs of decompression sickness, and nothing indicates that you’ve been without oxygen for over an hour.”

“Probably not the answer you were looking for,” Annie said, “but I’ll fill in the rest as best I can.”

She pulled a tablet from the wall and showed Clarice a blurry video of something bright pink shooting up past a plane. Another showed the bright pink blur emerging from the tops of the clouds, a ring of wakes spreading through them.

“At this point,” Annie said, “you were traveling at just over Mach 7, and had the US government scrambling to call everyone to let them know they did not just fire a hypersonic missile from Idaho.”

“You’re saying, I just flew into space all on my own. And didn’t even wake up until I’d been floating out here for however long. How am I supposed to believe that?”

Annie cleared her throat. “Which one of us was floating barefoot in space in kids’ pajamas?”

“”Don’t knock my pajamas, Agneta the Tall. The adult clothes they make in my size all suck.” Clarice tried to cross her arms but the IV got in the way and she thought better of it.

“Please, just Annie, not Agneta.”

Clarice muttered, “Annie the Tall, then.”

”For all we knew, somebody’s kid shot into high orbit with no visible means of propulsion.” Annie helped Clarice to a seat where she could strap in and gave a couple more pumps to the blood pressure cuff still squeezing on the IV bag.

“What happens now?” Clarice asked.

“That’s a good question.” Ethan strapped into another chair. “When that IV bag is empty, let me know.”

“I will. Should I just pump it up some more when it slows down again?”

“Yeah. Not too much, just one or two pumps.”

“I think what happens now,” Annie said, “is we call home and see if they want us to land for quarantine on Earth or stay up here in quarantine with you until we determine whether you’re dangerous or not.”

Clarice looked at Annie, her disbelief pushed beyond what she thought possible. “Me? Dangerous how?”

“Well, the first thought I had, when I saw you moving in hard vacuum, was that you weren’t a human,” Ethan said. “Maybe an advanced robot, or possibly some sort of alien.”

“And?” she asked.

“You’re human, as far as I can tell,” he said. “Of course, there’s no way to run a DNA analysis up here, so we may be waiting a while for them to make up their mind as to what to do.”

“There’s also the issue that we don’t have a suit for you,” Annie said. “It’s a safety consideration on reentry.”

“However,” Ethan interjected.

“Yeah. However, you already survived insane acceleration and speeds that would tear any non-aerodynamic body apart, not to mention time in hard vacuum, and here you are.”

Clarice broke into a fit of crying laughter. The whole situation was just too much.

“Clarice, what’s wrong, dear?” Annie asked.

“Ethan, Annie, while it’s been nice to make your acquaintance, this was my first day off work in seventeen. All I wanted to do was sleep in, watch some stupid sitcoms, and drink a beer or two. I have to be back at work tomorrow morning, so I can’t quarantine for any amount of time.” She let out a heavy sigh. “I just want to go home.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re not going to make it,” Annie said. “I’m sorry.”

Clarice closed her eyes and let herself go limp in the straps. “I just wanted a quiet day off.”

Trunk Stories


prompt: Write a story in which a conversation takes place where the true subject is only implied.

available at Reedsy

“Jack” walked into the bar as if he owned it. He didn’t pause at the door to adjust to the dim lighting or to suss out the crowd. His broad frame nearly filled the width of the door, while his stained, blue baseball cap with a daisy logo nearly brushed the top of the frame.

As he made his way to a table in the back, he adjusted the leather bomber jacket he wore that matched the brown of his hair. Anyone watching closely enough might have caught a glimpse of the weapon hidden in his waistband at the rear. That didn’t happen, however, as the bar’s patrons were more interested in not catching his attention.

He was the biggest person in the bar — not that big of an accomplishment when he was the only human. The small, flat faced, large eyed, bewhiskered, pale blue aliens that called themselves murins filled the bar.

Jack had to remind himself that this was not Earth, this was Kula, and he was the alien here. He sat across the table from “Jill,” the small, female murin whose pale blue skin was crossed by faint stripes of even paler teal. The size of the table and bench meant that his knees were spread wide and pressed against the table. It felt like sitting a child’s school desk.

“Jill,” he said, “good to see you.”

She pushed a glass full of an amber liquid across to him. Her whiskers moved up and forward from their relaxed position where they had hung parallel to her face with a slight droop. “Good to see you, Jack. How are things going for you?”

“Nothing exciting, but that’s good for a freight pilot.” Jack smiled at Jill’s obvious excitement at seeing him. He took a sip of the warm liquid, letting it coat the inside of his mouth. It was like a cross between Amaretto and maple syrup. Too sweet, but he’d grown accustomed to it.

Jill let her whiskers relax. She focused on her drink, tipping the glass and turning it, letting the liquid coat the glass. She slid a foot under the table until her toe bumped into Jack’s boot and held it there.

Jack knew something was bothering her. “How’s business been?”

Her whiskers pulled back tight against her face and her eyes opened wide enough that the whites showed. Jack put a hand over hers on the table and she got herself under control.

“What’s got you stressed?”

“Ella’s moving to another city. I want to follow, but I don’t know if I can get out of my job here.”

“Just go, then. Ella will be happy to have you, and you can probably work for Ella.”

“It’s not that simple.”


Jill nodded.

“And it covers the new city, too?”

“The contract severely limits my mobility,” she said.

Jack gave her hand a light squeeze. “Tell you what, ma’am. You don’t worry about your contract, I’ll sort that out. I’ll have my lawyer call his lawyer.”

“You’d do that for me? Even if I want to work for you, instead?”

“Of course I would.” Jack cocked his head. “Why is Ella moving, though?”

“One of the stepsisters, again.”

“Snooping around, putting their noses where they don’t belong?” Jack sighed. “Annoying.”

“Speaking of annoying,” Jill said with a slight twitch of her whiskers toward to the door.

Jack looked at the three murins that had entered. Slightly larger than the average, each was dressed in the armor of Enforcers, with their shock sticks held at the ready.

One of them held up a device and swept it around the bar. When the device was silent at the end of the sweep, he said, “Not here. We’re getting closer, though.”

“You!” he barked at the waiter nearest him. “You’re the new squad laborer for the day. Get up and follow us.”

The waiter’s eyes were wide, the whites showing, his whiskers plastered against his face. He set down the tray of drinks he’d been carrying, careful not to make eye contact with any of the Enforcers, and followed them, his head bowed, his legs shaking.

“The Enforcers’ powers were meant to be temporary,” Jill said with a sad droop of her whiskers.

“No power, once gained, is ever relinquished freely. Power corrupts, and all that.” Jack took another sip of the warm, sweet drink. “I get that Ella’s moving and all, but did she leave anything for me? I’d hate to leave with an empty cargo hold.”

Jill took a solid swig from her drink. “Yeah, twelve crates of assorted textiles. I think one might be blankets.”

“It’s good to know her sisters haven’t slowed her down.” He took another sip of the sweet drink. “Do we have the lading bill?”

“We do. The crates, customs paperwork, and bill of lading will be waiting at your ship by the time you get there.”

Jack thought for a moment. “I’m going to stop by my lawyer’s office then come down. Why don’t you meet me at the slip? You know how to open up the ship and settle the cargo.”

“I’ll see you there.” Jill left the bar with the sort of determined walk that advertised places to go and things to do. It wasn’t a guarantee, but it was the best way to keep from being picked up by a roving Enforcer squad looking for someone to humiliate.

Jack left the bar with the kind of ambling walk that said he had nowhere in particular he had to be, and no kind of schedule to be there. The Enforcer squads avoided him anyway. He wasn’t a citizen, and the Enforcers weren’t looking to create an interstellar incident.

His wandering took him to a warehouse. He’d been there before, but his business was different then. When his knock on the door was ignored, he kicked it open while drawing his weapon from his waistband.

He reached his ship an hour later, the crates all loaded and pasted with customs stamps and inspection stamps. Jill’s whiskers pointed up and forward. “Here he is,” she said.

“I suppose you need my sign on your paperwork,” he said.

“Yes, please, thank you.” The dockworker was stout for a murin, with a grizzled mien; the politeness felt artificial and more driven by fear to Jack.

“Hey, no problem.” Jack signed with his print, and said, “You can relax around me. Next time just say ‘Hey asshole, hurry up and sign this so I can get back to work.’ I won’t take it personally.”

The dockworker’s whiskers wiggled in the manner of murin laughter and he said, “Good to know, asshole. Now get out of here so I can go home.”

“Even better! Have a good day.” Jack waved at the dockworker before walking up the ramp to the cargo bay of his ship. Jill was there, waiting for him.

“Everything’s secure,” she said. “What did your lawyer say?”

“Your contract is null and void. If you still want to work with me, you can, but I need to get this cargo in space right now.”

“Show me where to strap in.”

After takeoff, clearance to high orbit, clearance to depart orbit, then entry into slip-space, Jack left the cockpit and made his way to the cargo bay. “Jill, we’re in the clear,” he called out.

Jill joined him in unstrapping the crates and opening them up. From each, a murin climbed out from under the piles of cloth in the crates; political dissidents in danger of being “disappeared” by their repressive government. The largest of the crates, marked “blankets,” contained a murin female and her three children.

Jack made sure everyone was safe and healthy, and invited them to make themselves at home in the large galley where a feast awaited them. Once everyone was settled, he told Jill to follow him to the bridge.

They strapped into the chairs in the bridge, and he said, “Tyler Mitchell, pleased to meet you.”

“Inkira sal-Birna, my pleasure.”

“It’ll probably be a long while before you can go back, Inkira.”

“I know. Ella warned me it was getting too dangerous, but without getting rid of —”

“Yeah. I figured he was tracking you. And he would’ve sounded the alarm if he saw you were at the docks.” He removed the pancake holster from the back of his trousers with the revolver. Stamped on the holster was a balance scale. “I don’t like killing, but good riddance. The Enforcers can fight over who wanted him dead more: the Enforcers he was paying off or the drug runners.”

“When are you making your next trip?” she asked.

“We’ll get these folks settled, then I’ll have to get another ship, a new alias, and see where our agents make contact with Ella. It’ll be a couple months, at least.”

“That’s a long time?”

“About sixty Earth days, so around seventy-five of your days.”

“Not too long, then.”

Tyler, a.k.a. Jack, turned toward the small murin woman. “Are you sure Cinderella is safe?”

“She is. Very safe. Last night was the first time I ever met her in person. She scared me half to death.”

“Why’s that?”

“She showed up in her Enforcer uniform. I thought she was there to arrest me.”

“Oh, she made it in. Good to hear.” Tyler smiled.

“You knew she was an Enforcer?”

“I knew we asked her to try, and we provided all the help we could to get her there. For her own safety and for the safety of the people we smuggle out. Plus, it gives her access to places and people she wouldn’t have otherwise.”

“When we finally overthrow the government, and get our democracy, what will you do then? I’ll want to help rebuild, of course. I suppose you aren’t a smuggler by trade.”

“You’re right about that; I’m not. But when the time comes, rebuilding requires a lot of materials and supplies. I’ll go back to hauling normal freight and make Kula my home port. Maybe even buy a house there. I’ve grown fond of it.”

“Just Kula?” she asked.

“Well, you too. Makes it that much better.” He winked.

Her whiskers wiggled. “I do, don’t I? Come on, ‘Jack,’ let’s see if our guests need anything.”

Trunk Stories

Repair and Replace

prompt: Write about a character who isn’t nostalgic about their past at all, and show readers why.

available at Reedsy

I sat in the waiting room for my name to be called. My body was due for service months ago, but this was the first they could get me in. There wasn’t much that needed to be done, I was sure, but maybe they could find out what was binding in my left shoulder, limiting some movement there.

A technician opened the door, looked at me, back down at the pad she carried, and called out, “Alexis?”

As I was alone in the waiting room, I knew she meant me. I stood. “Alexi,” I said, “no ess on the end.”

“Ah, sorry Alexi, I’m Kendra and I’ll be your body technician today. Right this way.” She kept glancing at me as we walked.

“I know that look,” I said “You’re trying to figure out why I don’t look like a forty-year-old man. The same reason I’m here for a service. I mean — do enough experiments on a kid, he never has a normal puberty, right? He ends up like me with a baby face, so people assume I’m a woman.”

“I’m sorry, I—”

“Don’t sweat it,” I cut her off. “I’m just in a foul mood today and shouldn’t be taking it out on you. I apologize.”

Kendra instructed me to strip and lie back on the exam table and began plugging in all the diagnostic equipment. “Any specific complaints?” she asked.

“Reduced mobility in my left shoulder…like something is binding in there.”

“Any pain?”

“No more than usual,” I told her. The constant, low-level pains that come from age and wear-and-tear had turned into little more than background noise.

She spent some time going over the readouts of the machines before adjusting the table to where I could sit upright. “You probably already know, but your legs are well past their expected functionality, and long out of production. They’re working for now, but if something would happen, we don’t have any way to repair them. No parts available anymore. I would recommend replacement as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, I figured. Might as well do that now. What about my shoulder?”

“Looks like part of the binding for the AC joint pulled loose at some point. We can pull that out, replace the AC joint binding, and that should restore full motion. Your clavicles, scapulae, and arms are still under extended warranty for another eight months, so we caught that just in time.” 

She took a breath, but I already knew what she was about to say, so I said it first. “While we’re doing the left, we might as well do the right, since we know the most likely failure point, now.”

Kendra gave a pleased nod. “It’s nice to see someone take their maintenance seriously.” She did some typing on her tablet then looked up at me. “We don’t have the same model — of course — but we have the same manufacturer, if you wanted to keep things from being too different.”

I shrugged. “Different is fine. How about whatever has the highest rating, longest service life, and best warranty?”

One of her eyebrows raised. “That would be the Nakimara Y-73, combat-rated. Do you still need—”

“I’ve never needed combat-rated, I just get them because they last longer. So, yeah, those.” I couldn’t quite read the expression on her face, but I guess she didn’t expect to hear that.

“I thought, given your overall conditioning and the current limbs…,” she stopped and focused on entering the order in her pad. “It doesn’t say in your record how you — I’m sorry, I should shut up now. Oh, and the pelvis looks fine, no wear. Those Hendriks Titan-Steels seem to last forever, especially with the mil-grade number four standard socket.”

I don’t talk to others without a purpose — ordering at a diner or explaining symptoms to a body tech for instance. Then again, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who made me want to. There was something about the way Kendra kept tripping over her own sincere concern and curiosity that made me think she was someone I could open up to.

She was interrupted by an orderly wheeling a cart into the room with a pair of legs and several bags of parts. She thanked them, closed the door, and prepped herself to work.

As the table returned to a flat position, I said, “You’re going to explode from trying to hold the question in. You want to know how I ended up with quad-replacements, including scapulae, clavicles, and pelvis, plus the spine and sternum reinforcements, right?”

She had a momentary flash of stunned shock on her face, then relaxed. “Yeah, but if you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to. I can start working here, and we can talk about anything or nothing or I can shut up and let you rest. Your call.”

“I wish I could handle memories the way I handle my cybernetics; repair and replace.”

She cleaned all the areas she was going to work on, changing her gloves often. Then, she laid out the hermetically sealed legs and assorted parts in the order she’d need them, along with the tools she’d need. Each of the four areas she’d be working on had their own, sealed tools lined up.

In spite of how much this trip was going to cost me, I found my mood improving. “How do you feel about your childhood? Primary school, secondary school, family. all of that?”

“I had a pretty normal childhood, I guess.” She unplugged the diagnostic leads from the ports on the inside of my thighs, sprayed a topical anesthetic around my hips, then proceeded to wash and glove up yet again.

“Do you ever find yourself thinking back on those times fondly?”

Kendra smiled. “I do. Especially secondary school, but time does that.”

“Does what?”

She made a quick, clean incision where my skin and the synthetic skin met and peeled the synthetic down and away from the hip socket. “Blurs the edges on things; the bad doesn’t seem so bad, and the good seems better than it was, maybe. Rose-tinted glasses and all that.”

I heard my old leg drop onto the disposal cart and shook my head. “I don’t. I mean, I think about those times more than I would like, but never fondly. I don’t think there’re any rose-tinted glasses for me. More like shit-tinted, but even when I take them off and take an impartial look at my past, it was objectively shitty.”

“What does that have to do with—”

“I’m getting there.” I let out a deep sigh. I hadn’t talked about this with anyone in years…ever since my last therapist gave up on me.

“When I was six, my parents signed me up for a medical study being run by ‘Dr. John’ — I don’t know what his real name was. They said the money would be set aside for my college. It didn’t last the week that I was in the study.”

“What did they spend it on?”

“Probably booze and drugs. I know it wasn’t the rent because we got evicted right after that.”

Kendra shook her head. I could tell she was trying to avoid the pity face, as most of us in the shop would have no desire to see that anymore.

“About a month later, we moved into a nicer apartment, and they dropped me off for a month-long study with Dr. John. They didn’t even pretend the money was for me that time. I spent my seventh birthday there.

“Over the course of the next year, I was in study after study, until just before my eighth birthday. I was told that I’d become too difficult to care for, and that my new home would be with Dr. John. It wasn’t so much a home as a cage in a lab. I spent my entire childhood being poked and prodded, injected with questionable substances and hooked up to even more questionable devices.

“By the time I was sixteen, it was obvious that I’d never mature physically. Dr. John pumped me full of hormones, but I’d developed — or always had — an insensitivity to them. This was followed with direct injections of some pale blue liquid into my bones, in an attempt to get them to mature, but they never fully did.

“I had a couple growth spurts, put on a few inches, but my arms and legs, pelvis, scapulae, and so on were so weak and stunted, Dr. John decided I’d be better off having them all replaced, then he beefed up my spine with the same sort of permanent supports you’d use for severe scoliosis, and added a layer of poly-bone to my sternum to help protect my ribs.

“I’ve been outfitted with combat-grade cybernetics since I was seventeen, and Dr. John used to parade me around for defense department types to get them to buy into cybernetics for soldiers. He used to say he had treated me for a ‘rare birth disorder’ that required the extensive work, even though he caused all of it. My only birth disorder was the parents I was born to.”

I looked up to see tears welling in Kendra’s eyes as she was attaching the electronics in my new left leg. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring you down. I just thought that maybe you’d understand.”

“I don’t understand why your parents did that to you, but I think I understand why you don’t put all that in your history when you come in for service.” She wiped her eyes with her arm and chuckled. “Don’t want to get tears in there, the salt would corrode the connections.”

She finished up the second leg and re-glued the skin to the synthetic. It would heal together in a week, long before the glue wore off. She sprayed the anesthetic on my shoulders and asked, “Have you tried to contact your parents since then?”

“Yeah. It was the first thing I did when I left Dr. John’s. Found out my mother OD’ed when I was ten, and my father drank himself to death a couple years after.”

“Watch your eyes. What about Dr. John?” she asked.

“He disappeared shortly after I left. The second thing I did was call the cops. By the time the cops got there, he was gone. Left all the equipment but took his experimental drugs and records.

“I don’t know what happened to the three younger kids that were there, and I wasn’t right in my own head at the time to help them.” I closed my eyes as she used the UV light to cure the new AC joint binding.

We were silent while she finished both shoulders, then had me sit up, move my arms and legs, and go through range of motion exercises.

“I’m sorry all that happened to you,” she said, “and I hope someone catches that so-called doctor.”

I smiled at her. “I hope it’s me,” I said. “To be honest with you, I haven’t kept paying for combat-ready cybernetics just for how long they last.”

Trunk Stories

The Squiggles

prompt: Write a story in which a character is running away from something, literally or metaphorically.

available at Reedsy

The Squiggles sprawled out from the edges of the city; an array of bright colors that covered the hand-built cinderblock, concrete, and wood buildings without making it seem any less dire than it was. Ed felt blind without his collar plugged in, feeding from the net towers that blanketed the city in bandwidth and provided his “inner voice” that had long ago replaced whatever instinct he might have had.

Most people that ended up in the Squiggles never planned it. Those who moved there on purpose, like Ed, only did so because they were avoiding something worse. In Ed’s case, the worse things were the VL — the Virtual Lords — and the cops they had in their digital wallet. Ed had never met a police officer that wasn’t in the VL’s wallet.

The VL were a cartel of hackers, jackers, cybernetic strong-arms, assassins, thieves, spies, pimps, e-stim and drug dealers, and assorted low-life scum. There were very few places one could go to escape their gaze. Ed should know, as he used to jack for them.

Here, Ed was well protected from police, as they were loath to risk their life by wandering into the winding, narrow, dirt roads through the multistory shanties that gave the Squiggles their name. He was not as protected from the VL, though. Many a cartel member would lie low in a place like this when the heat was on them. There were, however, so few net connections and of such poor quality, that the state surveillance the cartel used for their own purposes was of no use here.

The first thing he’d done on arrival was trade his clothes for others that were drying on a line or wall. Not all at the same place, just a piece here, a piece there. He made sure the sleeves were long enough and collars high enough to hide his ports. He finally traded his big suitcase for a backpack, duffle bag, and four of the locally minted brass coins at one of the trade shops.

When all the “official” money is just ones and zeros in a computer, it has no use in a place like the Squiggles. The brass coins, though, were finely made, with an intricate design and unique, off-center balance. The swirling designs and off-kilter feel of them in the hand were a perfect embodiment of the Squiggles.

Even in local clothes, Ed would stand out to a resident. His skin, a pale beige, was unblemished by exposure to the elements. His dishwater-blond hair was close cropped but would grow out to an acceptable length soon enough. The only thing about his countenance that marked him as possibly belonging in the Squiggles was the trauma he suppressed, that showed in the eyes. It always showed in the eyes.

Ed continued deeper in. The heavy bags wore him down, but it was everything important to him. Somewhere in the sixty-odd square kilometers and over four million inhabitants he would find a place to hide for a while. He thought about how nice it would be to rest, but he doubted he’d ever be able to again. When the VL wants someone as much as they wanted Ed, the only end to their hunt is death.

He found himself in an informal square. A restaurant serving food out the missing window of a cinderblock building on one corner of the widened street, a trade shop on the other, surrounded by tall cinderblock and concrete buildings all built around a central well. The square hummed with the sounds and energy of people doing what they needed to in order to survive.

He estimated it to be six kilometers in a straight line to the last net antenna he’d seen, but there might be another closer. The smell of rice in chicken broth drew him to the “restaurant” on the corner.

“How much?” he asked.

“One coin for breakfast and dinner, but you missed breakfast,” the short woman in the window said. Her complexion reminded him of rich, brown silk: vibrant in color, strong as iron, yet — probably — soft to the touch. The wrinkles around her mouth and eyes only added to the image. She had a single streak of yellow-grey making up one of her many small braids of brown hair verging on black.

“How about I give you a coin for dinner and some information?”

Her dark eyes narrowed. “Information’s a dangerous thing,” she said.

Ed laid the coin on the window sill. “What’s the nearest net ’tenna?”

She took the coin, practiced fingers feeling the balance of it. She pointed back the way he’d come. “’Bout nine K’s that way, if you don’t get lost.”

He nodded.

She pushed a bowl of rice out to him. “Simple question like that, you coulda’ just asked. Bring the bowl and spoon back when you’re done.”

He sat on the well’s edge and ate his rice. The ports on his neck itched and he fought the urge to scratch at them. It wasn’t the turtleneck. The itch was deep, not at the surface…withdrawals. Not like coming off drugs or e-stims, but the lack of input to his ports over time would cause the nerves to fire louder and louder. It was only a matter of time before his arms would join in and the itch would turn to burning pain.

Ed carried the empty bowl back to the window. “Thank you, that was delicious.”

Her eyes crinkled as she smiled. “You ain’t from around here but you got manners. If you can keep ’em, they’ll serve you well.”

“If I can find a place to stay,” Ed said.

“What’s your name?”

“Ed. Yours?”

“Leeza. Can you push a broom as well as you jack?”

Ed stiffened. “Yeah, I…how did you—”

“Turtleneck in this weather, and I can see you twitchin’. You ain’t jacked in a while, have you?”

“No. Too busy trying to stay alive.”

“Ain’t we all. The only reason you’d be in the Squiggles is to hide out from the VL…which means you musta’ been a decent jacker or they’d’ve ended you before you got this far.”

Ed nodded. “Just good enough to get myself in trouble, I guess.”

Leeza leaned partway out the window. Ed saw the scars on her neck where ports had once been. “I know that song. See that yellow door over there? Ask for Little Meg, she’ll set you up.”

Ed crossed the square to the yellow door and knocked. It opened to reveal a strong-arm; two meters tall, cybernetic limbs exposed, an armor vest over her human torso, with a bright yellow left eye augment and a natural, brown, right eye. Her skin was sun-darkened, the color of terra-cotta, with a black mohawk spiked above, adding a few centimeters to her already impressive height.

“Can I help you, outsider?” she asked, her mellifluous voice incongruous with her looks.

“I’m looking for Little Meg. Ms. Leeza said she might have a rooming situation for me.”

“Mama Lee sent you, huh? I’m Meg.” She scanned him with her cybernetic eye. “Plenty of jacks, but you’re not wearing a collar, not carrying a key-comm, and no weapons. Running from the VL?”

“I am.” He figured at this point, honesty would be the safer bet.

Meg raised her left hand, made a fist, and turned it heel up for him to see. What at first glance were decorative swirls combined to make an eye on a tower…the sign of the Virtual Lords. Ed felt his stomach drop.

“Relax, jacker, I’m persona-non-grata myself.”

Ed took a shaky breath. “I—I’m Ed.”

“Ed?” She looked him over again. “You wouldn’t happen to be Ed ‘The Edge’ Landry, would you?”

He nodded. “I am—was. Now, I’m just Ed.”

She put her hand out. “Hand me the bags.”

He did, and she held them as though they weighed nothing. She turned her back on him and stepped inside. He hesitated for a moment, until she asked, “You coming?”

Ed followed her up eight flights of stairs with some floors not lining up with the landings, as though they hadn’t been planned out. The fifth floor had a low ceiling, with Meg’s mohawk barely brushing against the ceiling.

“Last I heard, your bounty was a million and a half. Probably more by now.”

“What should I—”

“Don’t worry about it. As long you’re with me and Mama Lee, you’re off-limits.” She opened a door in the middle of the hallway. “Here’s your room, bathroom’s at the end of the hall. Cleaning supplies are in the closet by the bathroom. Clean up after yourself. As long as you keep your room, this hallway and bathroom, the stairs all the way down, and your nose clean, you’ve got a bed and two meals a day at Mama Lee’s kitchen.”

Meg ducked in the door and dropped his bags on the small cot. “Any questions?”

“If you’re Little Meg, then who…?”

“Big Meg is parked out back, in a mech dugout. I haven’t needed to pilot her since the corpo wars, but I keep her maintained and ready.”

“A strong-arm and a mech pilot…wow.” He thought for a moment. “But if you fought in the corpo wars, how did you end up in VL?”

“Post-war recruiting program. Not much call for mech pilots or cybernetic soldiers once the state stripped the corporations of their armies.” She shrugged. “I did it until it got even worse than working for the corpos and left. Retired here and fixed up this old building to make it livable.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”


Within the week, Ed had settled into a routine, and Leeza had become Mama Lee. Breakfast, followed by cleaning everything but the bathroom, then cleaning the bathroom, leaving the shower for last, after he’d showered. That left him most of the day to sit at the window and get used to the comings and goings of the square before grabbing dinner.

Breakfast was eggs from Leeza’s chickens with whatever grain she happened to have that day. Dinner was that same grain with canned chicken broth and bits of meat. She didn’t say what the meat was, but he was fairly certain that he found a rat bone one day. He made sure to tell her how good it was, and not mention — or think too hard about —the bone.

After a month, Ed was making the evening run for Mama Lee, picking up two bags of grain on her trike for a coin a day. The first couple times were nerve-wracking, not knowing who or what he would run into as he followed the byzantine route to the supplier’s truck and back. After a while, it became old hat, though.

It was on one of those runs when something felt off. He wished he had his collar. Not just because the pain still bothered him off and on, but because he felt blind.

The supplier was her usual dour self, though, and the exchange of Mama Lee’s coins for the grain went normally. It was only after he’d set off to return that the alarm bells went off. He’d been hearing faint radio chatter. It couldn’t be the police, because they wouldn’t dare set foot in the Squiggles, but it could be VL coming to call.

He gunned the bike for all it was worth, which wasn’t much, and ran headlong into a roadblock. The state had “disarmed” the corporations, but not entirely. This was a corpo squad with body armor, combat rifles, pistols, and a bullet-proof car.

A tall man stepped out of the car in an elegant, grey suit. He lifted his sunglasses to show the black-brown eyes beneath. “Mister Landry. We need your assistance.”

“I’m just Ed,” he said. He raised his voice, “I live in the Squiggles and I’m with Mama Lee and Little Meg.”

The man looked around at the shuttered windows and empty street. “It doesn’t seem like anyone cares. This isn’t a request you can turn down. Either you do this for us, or we hand your corpse over for the bounty. Either way, we win.”

“And I lose?” Ed leaned forward on the handlebars of the trike. “Screw it, kill me now, save the effort.”

“There is a way you don’t lose,” the man said.

Ed looked up, “What do you want?”

He nodded to one of the goons holding a briefcase. “I’ve got a net repeater in the car. You’ll jack in to the coordinates my associate gives you and open the door for our jackers and hackers that are waiting. That’s it. We don’t care how noisy you are, just give us a little opening and we’ll take it from there.”

“You don’t care how noisy…It’s not your DNA that’ll be registered in the logs, so of course you don’t care. I piss off another corp and how long do you think I’ll live?” Ed shook his head. “At least VL has the decency to not hunt someone that’s retired in the slums.”

The man laughed. “Retired? You’re still ported up. There’re at least a dozen street surgeons that’d pull those out and pay you for the privilege of selling them on to the next person.”

“I haven’t gotten around to it. Been busy.”

“You spend your days staring out the window.”

Ed didn’t know who had been spying for them, but in his mind, he swore he’d sic Little Meg on them when he found out.

The briefcase bearer, indistinguishable from the other goons in heavy black armor and full-face, mirrored black helmet, opened the briefcase to display a collar and portable jack terminal. There were a set of net coordinates on a slip of paper taped to the terminal.

“Mr. Landry, or do you prefer, Edge?”

“Just Ed.”

“Ed.” The man stepped closer. “We know it was you that dumped all the corporate war strategies, deployments, and every bit of militarily useful information, bringing the government down on all our heads and ending the wars.

“I’m not certain whether the Virtual Lords have figured it out yet — your falsified DNA trace was very well done — but they will, just as we have. When they figure out that you cost them billions in weapons sales, they will hunt you here.”

He smiled the cold, unfeeling smile of a predator. “This is your one and only chance. Do this, and we’ll keep you safe from the Virtual Lords.”


“Do those coordinates look familiar?”

Ed looked at the sixty-four-character coordinates again. Something niggled at the back of his mind. “I’m not quite sure.”

The briefcase bearer motioned toward him with it. Ed let out a deep sigh and jacked the collar on. There was a moment of vertigo, followed by the kind of information he’d been missing for so long.

The man was Alfonse Worth, COO of Ritter Heavy Industries. The weapons the corporate soldiers carried were Ritter M-74s; 6.5 millimeter, select fire, combat rifles, likely loaded with armor-piercing rounds. The repeater in the car provided him with twenty-four terabits of bandwidth, satellite bounced several times. Not great, but usable. The coordinates were ones he’d seen in the VL. Not that he’d ever accessed it, as it was heavily guarded.

Ed pulled up his sleeves and jacked into the portable terminal. His eyes rolled up in his head and he slumped over the bike.

He started out nearby. A data vault for a defunct gang that the VL had wiped out long ago. He knew he already had bots on his trail, trying to track his location, so he didn’t have a lot of time.

Ed opened the data vault, keyed to his DNA, and attached the stored code to his avatar. If Alfonse Worth wanted noisy, he’d get it.

Rather than trying to run from the bots, he plowed straight through them, setting off alarms everywhere. He just hoped he’d be done before the backtrace was complete.

He found himself at another data vault; this one owned by the VL. Multiple levels of security and cognitive traps. He hoped the payload he had worked. In theory, it should set off the traps, and keep the guardian programs busy while it attempted to brute-force the encryption. Meanwhile, the secondary code would write a backdoor into one of the guardian programs, creating a direct tunnel inside the vault.

As soon as the tunnel was open, Ed saw the corporate jackers stream through. What felt like hours later, he sat up, unplugged, and removed the collar. He was once again blind. “It’s done.”

Alfonse still smiled the same cold, dead smile. “Indeed. By the time you get that grain wherever it’s going, the bounty on your head — every Virtual Lords bounty — will be null and void.”

He stepped back toward the car. “We’re taking over their operations in full, starting with the police. In sixty days, the Virtual Lords will exist in name only, as a private extension of our company. I’m sure you understand what would happen to you if this got out. But, if you ever decide to leave the slums, you’ll find twelve million in an account in your name. Just so we don’t leave you here with nothing for the next sixty days, I’m told a thousand coins is a lot.”

Alfonse reached into the car and pulled out a box, trading it for the briefcase. The briefcase bearer set the heavy box in the basket of the trike with the sacks of grain and gave him a nod.

Once Alfonse Worth was safely back inside the vehicle, the soldiers relaxed their guns and melted through the side passages to a waiting truck somewhere. Ed was left sitting in the middle of the road, his head spinning.

There was no way they’d get every VL member, and the ones that remained would be out to put his head on a pike. He sighed and gunned the trike. He was never leaving the Squiggles.

Trunk Stories

Not Yet

prompt: Write a story about someone whose time is running out.

available at Reedsy

Niri set the auto-injector into a slow spin the air in front of her. She could use it now or wait. Either way, the result would be the same; dead is dead.

She checked the readout on the console. Her orbit was in a steady, slow decay. At the current rate, short of using the injector, it was a toss-up as to which would do her in: gamma radiation from the accretion disk leaking through the shielding, toxic buildup of CO2, or being shredded by passing through the accretion disk.

It was meant to be a simple job; two weeks her time, two and half months to those on the station. Do a fly-by of the black hole and give a boost to the probe  on the way by to keep it in orbit outside the accretion disk. She’d just boosted the probe and was in the perigee of the maneuver when an unseen piece of debris slammed into her forward radiation shield, vaporizing itself and enough of her shield to slow her.

The impact damaged multiple systems, including the cameras, and knocked the external main thruster off the ship. Three of the maneuvering thrusters were still operational, and she was using them to keep the most intact part of the radiation shield between herself and the accretion disk while the Geiger counter let her know just how much was leaking through.

She’d watched the probe pass by her twice now, higher the second time. Based on the probe’s speed and orbit parameters, she’d estimated her speed and from there, figured out her orbital decay. Probably not the most encouraging use of her remaining time, but it had kept her mind occupied for a short time.

She’d sent a distress call right away, but with the increasing time dilation the nearer she got to the black hole, she had no way of knowing how long ago it was in their terms. Not that it mattered either way. They all knew this was a possibility every trip…thus the injector.

“This is Niharika ‘Niri’ Cullen. I’m in a declining orbit around 1S-MU4-A2. The Explorer 4 probe has been boosted into a stable orbit above me. As I said in my last transmission, my main thruster is offline — actually, it’s probably in the accretion disk by now — and a large portion of my radiation shield has been vaporized in a collision with a fast-moving meteoroid of approximately three to five millimeters.

“I’m not certain how long it’s been for you, but since my last transmission, it’s been…uh…about an hour. I have the injector out, but I’m not ready to check out just yet.

“I’ll be getting into the vac suit for the added radiation protection, and when the CO2 gets too high, I’ll button up and use up the oxygen from the suit.”

She let out a short laugh. “I’m taking every second I have. I don’t know why I’m prolonging it, I’m just not…I don’t want to die. Just…not yet.”

She keyed in the command that would compress the voice message and transmit it as a burst package. Niri left the injector floating in the cabin and squirmed into the IEVA emergency suit. Once in the suit, she attached the injector to a lanyard. There was no way to inject it through the suit, but she would deal with that issue when it came up.

Niri floated to the command chair and strapped herself in. She called up the specs for the maneuvering thrusters along with how much fuel for them remained. Based on the last positioning burn, she had a good estimate of the craft’s new mass, now that it was minus part of the shield and the external thruster.

“Orbital dynamics,” she said, “I can figure this out.”

She approached it as if it was a university assignment. Trusting the suit for radiation protection, she stopped using the thrusters to keep her shield aligned in order to save every gram of propellant.

At one point, she turned off the Geiger counter as its steady noise was a nuisance. She thought she had come up with a workable plan and had a moment’s jubilation before she reminded herself to double-check her work.

Working through it from back to front gave her a ridiculous result. Once again, she worked the problem front to back and realized that she’d assumed all four thrusters being operational.

She picked up the mic again. “This is Niri again. It’s been a couple hours since my last broadcast. I almost have enough propellant for the three working maneuvering thrusters to put myself into a very long slingshot. Almost.”

Niri sighed. “The best I can do is extend my stay in orbit by another few hours. By that time, the CO2 scrubbers will have failed, I’ll have used up all the ship’s oxygen, and I’ll be running out of oxygen from the suit’s PLSS. I’m going to do it anyway. Every second I can eke from this killing bastard I will.”

She programmed the burn into the positioning computer, set to fire at the perigee of the shallow, elliptical orbit to take advantage of the Oberth effect. “A few more kilos of propellant and I’d be out of here, but you’re not killing me yet,” she said to the black hole, its accretion disk represented by the arc of red at the edge of the navigation screen.

She tried to count down the time to the burn in her head and was surprised when it kicked in while she was at four. The ship spun as the three thrusters worked to both increase its speed and keep it from an inward trajectory.

The spin was more pronounced than she’d expected, but the thrusters sputtered to a stop after only ninety-four seconds. The induced spin gave her a very slight pseudo-gravity toward the port side. She forced herself to look at the display. Part of her wanted to believe that she had done better than hoped for, while another part was worried it was far worse.

The monitor told the story. She had extended her time outside the accretion disk for nine hours and seventeen minutes…give or take. The console notified her that the burn was complete, and her updated trajectory had been sent in burst transmission as it did after every burn.

Niri spent the next hours trying to think of any way to escape her fate. Wild plots of waiting until the door was in just the right position, holding on to it, and blowing the emergency bolts. A quick bit of math on the console told her that wouldn’t be enough.

She began to find it hard to breathe, panting, her heart racing; it was CO2 poisoning. Niri put on her helmet and buttoned up. The fresh oxygen from the suit was a welcome relief. The O2 readout on her sleeve said she had two hours and four minutes oxygen remaining.

She keyed the mic in her suit to record another message. “I’m buttoned up in the IEVA suit and on the PLSS. Ship’s systems are out of oxy, and the CO2 scrubber is done. I have two hours and three minutes of air left. When it gets down to the last, I’ll use the injector. Even if I’m not ready, I’m going out on my terms, not those of this bastard black hole. This will be my second-to-last transmission.”

Niri sent the burst transmission and worked on taking slow breaths. She was surprised how easy it was for her, given the circumstances, to remain calm.

She sat, not focused on anything, the lights from the console a blur. She thought about every happy memory she could dredge up. The unhappy memories came along with them, but she accepted the price.

Finally, she checked the O2 readout on the sleeve of her suit. Six minutes remaining. She keyed the mic. “I guess this is it,” she said, tears hanging in globules on her eyes. “I’ve only got a few minutes of air left, then I’m going to cut open the suit and use the injector. I just wish the cameras still worked so I could look this bastard in the eye when I do. I…uh…I guess I love you all, even if I don’t like you. Funny what it takes for that to sink in.”

She swallowed a sob. “This is Niharika ’Niri’ Cullen, signing off for the last time.” She sent the burst transmission and heard a beep from the terminal.

Niri switched the inbound from the terminal to her suit and keyed in response to the beep.

“Niri, come in. Hess here, on a rescue mission.”

“Lunchbox! Where are you?”

“I’m plotting my fly-by now. I’ve been enroute for the past week. They sent me as soon as they got your initial distress call.”

“The ship’s banged up, and we don’t have enough time to transfer fuel for another burn.”

“I got that. That’s why you’ve got to go EVA and kick off from the ship. I’ll be deploying the DCS for you. How much air does your suit have left?”

“Four minutes.”

“Looks like this is a one-shot trick. You need to get out now. You’ll see me coming. The tethers will wrap you up and drag you in automatically.”

“Wait, you’re using the drone capture system…on me?”

“It’s the best we could come up with in the time we had. It’ll probably hurt, so I apologize in advance.”

“Heading EVA now.” Niri opened the door, hanging on while the stale air rushed out, then climbed out onto the ship.

She positioned herself so the edge of the accretion disk was “down” and kicked hard against the side of the ship to separate herself from it. As she floated away from the ship, she looked down, her face shield darkening as the glow from the accretion disk lit her up.

“It may be a murdering bastard,” she said, “but my god, it’s beautiful.”

“That it is. Coming up on you know. Prepare for impact.”

Niri looked at the O2 readout, that had been flashing a big zero for at least a minute by then. “I’m out of air, you might be too late,” she panted. She saw the tendrils of the drone capture system splayed out behind Hess’s ship. As they neared, she swung her arms to turn her back to it and went limp.

Two of the tendrils made contact and whipped themselves around her, jerking her into motion behind the ship as her world went dark.

She woke inside the ship, with a worried Hess standing over her, holding an oxygen mask to her face. “Lunchbox, you’re still skinny as hell,” she said.

“I thought we lost you,” he said.

Niri coughed and groaned as she sat up. “Not yet.”

Trunk Stories

Saved by the Monsters

prompt: Write a story about someone looking for a sign in a dark sky.

available at Reedsy

The signs had been there, annoying, unwanted, a random, occasional nuisance, but the one that was wanted was a nuisance by its absence. Right after leaving the nebula, the first signs were there, then gone, then there again — the ones that foretold disaster. Now, the cameras and antennae swept in slow circles, the AI controlling them looking for the faintest change, looking for the sign that may, despite all hope, not be coming.

The only light in the cockpit was from three small LEDs. The red one that signified the distress call was being sent, the yellow one signifying that environmental controls were operating on emergency battery power, and the blue one that said the twelve cameras and nine antennae were sweeping space in a 360-degree sphere around the ship.

At first, the loss of the light from the monitors and regular lighting systems had left the pilot in what seemed like impenetrable darkness. In a few moments, however, acting on muscle memory to activate emergency systems, there were the three glowing indicators that defined what might be the last light he would ever see.

The pilot wasn’t a warrior, just a cog in a commercial supply chain, but the unmarked light freighter, stranded in the buffer zone after evading the enemy picket was likely to be targeted as hostile. Based on the last burn he’d made before the engine seized, he guessed he was drifting away from his own people he was meant to supply.

He tried to sleep. There wasn’t much else to do to occupy his time until the first to greet him arrived; rescuers, death at the hands of the enemy or death by asphyxiation when the environmental controls failed.

After failing to sleep for what seemed hours, he pulled out the hard copy of the cargo manifest. It was only ever used when the regular systems were down or — as in the case of dropping cargo for the front-line ships — unavailable. It took some time to find the right angle to hold the printed plastic sheet to read it in the feeble light.

Vaccine for the pox that was spreading through the settled worlds, anesthetics, antiseptics, bandages, burn treatments, decompression treatments, artificial blood, surgical tools, assorted other medicines, and body bags. The last made him shudder.

I’ll probably end up in one of those, he thought. Then he thought probably not, unless he crawled in himself before he died from the failure of the environmental systems. The enemy wouldn’t bother. They’d see who was piloting the ship and blow it up.

“Crawl out of the hole and think positive,” he muttered. His voice sounded thunderous in the dead silence of the ship. He let out a loud yell of frustration that echoed back from the far reaches of the ship.

He put his hand on the control for the sensor monitor. Switching it to battery power would allow him to see what the cameras saw and hear any radio signals but would reduce the time he would be able to breathe. He knew he should wait for the blue LED to turn red and blink to turn on the monitor, but the monotony was eating away at his mind.

The monitor flickered to life. At the bottom, the time was displayed. What had felt interminable was less than three hours. He shut the monitor off and tried again to sleep. It would make the air last longer, and the wait seem shorter.

His sleep was filled with visions of the enemy, said to be monsters. They burst into the cockpit, tore him limb from limb and began eating him while he still lived and screamed in terror. Their cruel fangs dripped with his blood as one leaned in to bite his face and he woke screaming.

After getting his breathing and pulse under control, he chided himself, “Panic uses more air than exertion. Slow breaths, steady.”

His hand hovered over the control for the sensor monitor. He didn’t know how many minutes he’d already reduced his survival by his nightmare, but checking the unchanging monitor just to see the time would use up power he couldn’t — or at least shouldn’t — waste.

He closed his eyes and took slow, even breaths. If he was going to survive long enough to be rescued, he’d have to be conservative with his power use. He felt his pulse slow, almost to a trance-like state. This would be the way to prolong his life.

The pilot wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that, relaxed against the straps that held him in the chair, his arms floating freely at his sides, his eyes closed. It felt like forever and no time at all.

He was pulled back to a dim awareness that the light that filtered through his closed eyelids had changed. It was a struggle to open them and focus. The blue light had turned red and was blinking. It took everything he had to turn on the monitor.

The voice on the radio, repeating the same message over and over was heavily accented, almost impossible to understand. “… life-support … weapons … declare … docking … rescue … life-support …”

He tried to focus on the image of the approaching ship. Even though his eyes refused to fully comply, he could tell it was the enemy — the monsters. He must’ve drifted into territory they controlled. They were declaring rescue, but would kill him as soon as they figured out he wasn’t one of them.

He couldn’t find the energy to panic. Instead, he found himself ready to die. It wouldn’t be so bad, now.

The ship rattled as the enemy docked with it. A few moments later, the airlock cycled, and the monsters came in. They wore suits that held their poisonous atmosphere around them and hid their hideous faces with slavering fangs.

One of them came close and began speaking in their guttural language. Another slid a mask over his face, delivering fresh air. The one that had put the mask on him, and the other one stayed there as the fresh air woke him from his daze. He saw that the yellow environmental control light had gone red, but he had no idea how long ago.

The one in front of him raised the visor of its helmet to show its face. He thought they must want him terrified before they eat him.

Rather than show fear, he looked directly into the predatory eyes of the one that showed their face. The face looked softer than he’d expected, ugly but not hideous, just not properly defined. It spoke to him, with a far easier to understand accent.

“Your life-support system failed before we could get here. We were worried you had died. The doctor says you’ll be okay, though.” It angled itself so its predatory eyes were level with his own. “Are there any weapons on this vessel?”

“No, only you monsters.”

“What is your cargo?”

“Medical supplies.”

It spoke in their guttural language again and seemed accepting of the response over the radio in its helmet. “Is the vaccine for the pox that’s been spreading on your worlds?”

“It is. You monsters probably spread it.” The pilot was not going to show any fear.

“We’ll make sure the vaccine gets where it’s needed. You gave us quite the runaround when you blew past the blockade in this old vessel.” The creature bared its teeth.

He’d been expecting fangs, but instead, he saw flat-edged teeth, and no hint of aggression in the expression. If he was reading this creature right, it was happy.

“You’re not going to kill me and eat me, then?” he asked.

The creature’s expression went to one of surprise. “What? Why would we do that? Who does that?”

“They say the monsters — you — tear us with your fangs and eat us alive.”

“No. We do no such thing.” The creature checked the readout on the arm of their suit and removed their helmet. It said something in their language again, and the one it had called the doctor helped it out of the vacuum suit.

Its body was encased in a tight suit, but it looked soft underneath. No claws or stingers or other natural weapons showed. It removed the cloth that was tight around its head and a covering of curly, soft filaments floated out from it.

“That’s better,” it said.

“Your poisonous atmosphere…it’s in here?” he asked.

The creature made the happy face again. “It’s only poisonous if you’re not getting enough…uh…I forgot your word for [guttural sounds].” It tapped on the mask with one of its slender appendages.

“How did you know about the pox?” he asked. “That’s a state secret.”

“We are at war. We would be remiss to not have our spies where we need them.” The creature rotated its orientation some. “My crew has inspected your ship and cargo. We’re going to take you and the cargo on board and jettison your ship. The engine is totaled, and we have no way to tow it.”

“What will you do with the medicine?”

“We’ll drone it across the lines to your people’s medical ships. We’ve already sent six other drones of vaccine and supplies.”

“Why would you aid your enemies?”

“It’s part of the mandate for the picket. Life-saving goods are allowed in, refugees are allowed out. If my hospital ships were cut off from the rear by a picket, I would hope the enemy would at least be that civil.”

The creature helped him out of the seat and through the docking tube to their ship. “You’re not quite the monsters I was told you were.”

“The enemy rarely ever is.”

“What kind of warrior are you?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” The creature made a long string of guttural sounds then followed up with, “female. And you? I’m guessing you’re not a warrior by the lack of any weapons.”

“Commercial Pilot Ezan. Empty Sky Cargo Company, male. The company sent me out in that rented ship because I’m the only one that could fly it through the nebula to get past the blockade.”

“Well, you’ve got some [guttural sounds],” she said. “We’ll make sure you’re safe to travel, then you’re free to either return home, or join the refugees in [guttural sound] space.”

“Refugees? Others have left?”

“A couple million so far, that’s why we have everything you need on board.” She pointed at the mask again. “In fact, there are a few doctors on board that are your species that will meet you here and check you out.”

A mechanized voice came over speakers all over the ship in the creature’s language, then followed up with the heavily accented, “Prepare for gravity under going. Prepare for gravity under going.”

“That’s my cue,” the creature said, and left Ezan with a guard in what looked like a medical station.

She rounded the corner and keyed her comms. “Doctors Elim and Oran, civilian patient waiting for you in the med bay. If he can be persuaded to help out with the refugees, he’d be a major asset. He’s one hell of a good pilot. Otherwise, find him a ride back home or wherever he wants to go.”

The ship began accelerating under one-half gravity and she loped down the corridor as she listened to their reply in her earpiece. After they’d replied in the affirmative, she added, “Oh, I think he’s almost there, but could you convince him that humans aren’t monsters? I’d appreciate it. Either way, make sure he has plenty of backup methane on-hand, so he doesn’t feel like we’re restraining him in any way.”

Trunk Stories

Canned Apes

prompt: Start your story with someone uttering a very strange sentence. (As close to 1000 words as possible.)

available at Reedsy

“A can of apes is a silly basket to put all our eggs in but…here we go.” Maybe not the best quote for the history books, Wills thought, as the outer door closed.

“Cap, that was not the inspiring speech the commission wanted.” Cruz was going through the motions of the preflight checklist, as had been practiced hundreds of times.

Wills strapped in. “Welcome to the last shuttle to Hope’s Deep, fellow apes, where we’ll be leaving Earth forever. I’m your captain, and Cruz is your pilot. We hope we find somewhere fit to land…someday. Please take notice of the fasten seatbelts sign.”

Cruz groaned. “You’re not as funny as you think, Wills.”

Wills laughed. “I’m dead serious. Fourteen on this shuttle, twenty-eight waiting for us up there; we head toward TRAPPIST-1 and go into deep freeze for twenty years give or take — our time — forty-six on Earth. I hope we find somewhere to land.”

“But what was that quote to the media?”

“I started thinking about how this is our one chance, blanked, and something I read online popped up.” Wills shrugged. “Done is done. Assuming we have a place to land I can make it up to them in roughly eighty-six years, their time.”

They lifted to orbit, matched speed with Hope’s Deep, and docked strictly by the book. Once the passengers were secured in their hibernation pods, Wills met up with Cruz in the cramped cockpit where they went through a whole new preflight checklist.

Under one-half g acceleration, the long ship with its kilometer-wide scoop sucking in particles to throw out of the thrusters left the Earth behind. Wills and Cruz would be the last two into hibernation, after the two-week shakedown and course correction period.

“You ever think about the Fermi paradox?” Cruz asked on their last day awake.

“Sure. That’s what made me sign on to this suicide mission.”


“Yeah, yeah. We’ll find a new home, send a message that’ll reach Earth forty years later, then fifty or so of our years later we’ll have new ships coming and we’ll live happily ever after.”

Cruz sighed. “Seriously, how does the Fermi paradox make you decide to leave Earth forever?”

“Think about all the possible solutions. Let’s start with the ones that assume we’re the only technological species out and about in the galaxy. That would be the Firstborn hypothesis, Great Filter, those kinds of arguments.

“In those cases, we’re just doing what intelligent life should do — spreading out and claiming more space to keep our species alive.”

“But what about the ‘Dark Forest’ hypothesis?” Cruz asked.

“Well, in that case, we’re doing what intelligent life shouldn’t do, but what humans have always done.

“It’s dark in that cave and bears might live in there? Let’s go find out. There’re saber-toothed cats that want to hunt us in those hills? Let’s go hunt them, instead.”

Cruz laughed. “You say that like we’re going to exterminate all the galactic threats to humanity.”

Wills frowned. “I say that like I worry we’ll do exactly that, without finding out what the wider impact might be.”

“Wider impact?”

“What happens when the predators in an environment go extinct?”

“Uh, the prey takes over.”

“Overpopulation, over-grazing, conflict over dwindling resources, the ecology collapses, and the prey is likely to go extinct as well.”

“We’re the prey?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Thanks for the pep talk.” Cruz readied the hibernation pods. “I’ll see you in about twenty years.”

“As long as nothing goes wrong. I’d hate to be woken up early for an emergency.”

“No kidding, Cap. We know all the drills, and there’s redundancies on redundancies, but if we get woken up early, it means something is terribly wrong.”

Wills shrugged. “We can fix whatever. It’s just the thought that we can’t re-enter hibernation once we come out. If we wake up at the half-way point, I’d have to spend ten years pacing back and forth in this can.”

Cruz took a deep breath. “Good night, Wills. Pleasant dreams.”

“You too.”

Wills came out of hibernation feeling like it had been no time at all. “What happened? What broke?”

Cruz was already awake and standing near the pod. “Nothing broke. We’re entering the TRAPPIST-1 system. I’ll need your help to plot out a fly-by of all the candidate worlds.”

“Has it really been twenty years?”

“It has. We’ll enter orbit around the star in about an hour.”

Wills followed Cruz to the cockpit where hot coffee and a twenty-year-old packaged meal awaited him.

“Figured you’d be hungry, like me. There’s a water bottle near your station, too. You’ll want to hydrate.”

“Thanks.” Wills looked out at the distant planets visible from the ship’s location. “Cruz, does that one look blue to you?”

“It does. That’s TRAPPIST-1e. Looks kind of like Earth at this distance.”

Wills set the computer to figuring the paths of their flybys. With the short planetary orbits, ranging from one-and-a-half to nineteen days, the trick would be to not gain too much momentum moving from one to the next.

Having emptied the coffee, water bottle, and packaged meal, Wills stowed all the debris and strapped in just in time for engine shut-off.

“How long to survey all the habitable zone planets?” Cruz asked.

“We might as well wake everyone up.” Wills projected their path on the main screen. “It’s seventeen days to make three orbits of e, then g, then h, then f. Could do it in less time with higher-g flybys, but it would put too much stress on the cone.”

Cruz typed in the commands to begin waking everyone from hibernation. “How many doctors are we carrying?”

“Three. Orbal, Adumbwe, and Singh.”

“I meant PhDs.”

“Out of the forty-two people on board, I think you and I are the only two without a doctorate.”

“You have four Masters, that has to count for something.”

Wills chuckled. “I just hope it counts for finding a safe place for us to settle down.”

Read More

Trunk Stories


prompt: Start or end your story in a bustling street food market.

available at Reedsy

The din of conversations in dozens of languages and hawkers, the scents of seared meat, vegetables, grains, and unknowable ingredients, together with the vibrant colors and varied body-plans of the multitude of species washed over Mara in a tsunami of sensory overload.

“Well?” Kintari asked. He was a munerin, a small, fuzzy creature with a segmented body, twelve compound eyes, a soft, beak-like mouth, and a pair of expressive anntenae. He stretched to move his head up to her waist level, antennae in a questioning pose.

“You were right, K.” Mara was average height at 165 centimeters, with the kind of long, thin build that came from a childhood spent in dance and gymnastics. Her orangish-red hair was pulled back into a wavy ponytail. She keyed a transaction into her comm device and sent it to his. “I love this. Worth losing a bet over, that’s for sure.”

“I haven’t fulfilled it yet,” he said, his antennae waving. “I promised the most memorable meal, and you haven’t even eaten.”

“Don’t have to. This is already it.” Mara scanned the stalls. She didn’t recognize a single item. “How do I know what’s safe to eat?”

“Follow me.” Kintari wove through the crowd with a grace that didn’t match his stubby legs and round abdomen. Mara found it hard to keep up with him in the crowd where bodies ranged from the size of Kintari up to behemoths that reminded her of feathered dragons, nearly three meters tall.

After working her way through the crowd, she found Kintari standing at one of the stalls. His antennae were swishing about in anticipation. “Mara! Look at these.”

The stall was serving what looked like a white carrot with an orange sea anemone where the greens should be. “Uh, what is it?”

“Riiki-tano. It’s a delicacy from my home world.”

“Animal, plant or fungus?”

“Kind of animal, kind of plant,” Kintari said. “It grows from a seed, sets down the big taproot in the arsenic-rich, hot volcanic mud. The top part is meaty, and what it uses to pull nutrients it can’t get from the mud in, including small creatures.”

“It grows in arsenic, and you eat it?”

“We do. We have an organ specific to filtering out heavy metals. But that’s not why I wanted you to see this. Put your ident chip close to the box there.”

She did as he’d said and the box displayed the menu, consisting of the one item prepared three ways. All three flashed deep red.

“The shorter the wavelength, the safer it is for your physiology. That way you know what’s safe based on the amount of risk you wish to take. This is…possibly fatally toxic for you.”

“That’s too bad,” she lied, “I wanted to try your home world delicacy.”

“If you still want to try something from my home world, I’m getting some tano-lokaro. It’s a plant, and no heavy metals.”

Mara followed Kintari to another stand where he picked up one of the dishes they offered. When the box responded in violet, she ordered two, one with a whitish sauce and the other with a green sauce. From there it was a weaving journey between the stalls, buying things that looked promising, until she realized she already had too much food.

They sat at one of the communal tables. Kintari had even more food than she did. She started with the tano-lokaro. The taste reminded her of kohlrabi and mushrooms with a hint of a peppery aftertaste. The whitish sauce was bland, but the green sauce had an astringent tang to it. “This is really good, but why didn’t you get the other thing?”

“The riiki-tano?” He shuddered. “I ate it once, and I never have to do it again. I think people eat it just for bragging rights or something. I refuse to believe any munerin actually likes it, but they’ll keep buying it and eating it forever.”

Mara noticed a fair bit of attention on her as she tried each dish. As perhaps the first human they’d seen, she was an obvious target of curiosity.

“I noticed that every stand makes only one thing. Is that just a traditional thing or…?”

“Regulations. Limiting each stall to one item spreads sales across more vendors.”

“Makes sense, I guess.”

Much to Mara’s surprise, Kintari finished every bite of his pile of food. They dropped the disposables in the recycler and Kintari moved as if to leave, but Mara stopped him.

“I want to wander the entire thing,” she said.

They did, taking their time. Mara made a mental map of the market as they went, taking note of things she wanted to try. When they’d explored the market, they walked back out to the main station, where the quiet felt both comforting and overwhelming after the hubbub.

“Thanks for taking the time, K. You don’t mind me calling you K, do you?”

“Not at all.”

“Not many cargo pilots would take the time to lead a stranger around a station. Not to mention make good on a bet to a species you’ve never seen before about an unforgettable meal.”

“The most unforgettable meal.”

“You delivered.” Mara sighed. “I guess I should get my bags from the bay lockers and find a place to stay.”

“You’ve decided to stay on the station? I thought you said you were exploring — station hopping.”

“I was, but I think I found my new home.” Mara smiled. “I saw some empty stalls in the food market, and I want to set up a chippy.”

“I don’t know what that is, but I wish you luck.”

“When you come back to this station, look for me in the food market. If I’m set up by then, I’ll give you something truly memorable.”

By the time Kintari had returned to the station, Mara’s chip stand was in full swing. With every species that had come by — so far — the box showed anywhere from greenish blue to violet. As such, there were people of every known species stopping by for what had become famous by word-of-mouth.

Mara saw him waiting in the line, his antennae fluttering. She turned to the be-tentacled creature behind her that was operating three fryers and stuffing paper wrappers for two other orders at the same time.

“Hey, Lindl, do you think you can handle the crowd by yourself for a bit?”

“Yeah, boss.” One of her twelve eyestalks turned to look directly at Mara. “I’m in a rhythm now. Is that your pilot friend you were talking about?”

“Sure enough. I’m pulling two orders, one mayo, one red and one green chutney. I’ll be back after we eat.”

She took the paper cones and walked down the line to where Kintari waited. “Come on, let’s get a seat.”

“But I haven’t checked my ident for—”

“I have munerin customers every day. You have any unusual allergies?”


“Perfect. Let’s eat.”

“What are these?”

“Potatoes. They’re a tuber — a kind of node that grows on the root of a specific plant.”

He started with a plain chip and squirmed in his seat. He followed up with dipping a chip in the mayo. “This is rich. What is this?”

“Eggs and oil, mostly.” She explained the mayo, then the tamarind chutney and the cilantro chutney, and convinced him to try both together.

His first bite with the mixed chutneys made his antennae stick straight up and a shudder ran down his whole body as evidenced by the wave of fur standing on end and settling back down. He seemed at a loss for words, so Mara encouraged him to continue eating.

He’d finished both orders with no help from her in just a few minutes. “That’s…wow. No wonder your stand is so busy.”

“It almost wasn’t,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“The first few days I didn’t get any customers at all. The only chips I made were for myself.”

“What changed?”

“I was ready to call it a bust, so I started frying up chips and offering them free. Before I knew it, I was out of stock and had to close until the next shipment came in. By the time they did, I had a line before I even turned on the fryers.

“Hired Lindl, the tentacle woman — I can’t pronounce her species — that day. She seemed fascinated with the process, so I offered her a job, and she’s rocked it ever since.”

“What are your shipping prices like?”

“Fair, I guess. I go through around a thousand kilos of potatoes a week — 1,644.87 standard cargo weights. And that doesn’t include paper, mayo, chutneys, ketchup, and so on. Call it two thousand every Earth week — so every nine unit cycles. And it’s all coming from Earth.”

“How much are you paying?”

“Four-thousand credits per week.”

Kintari’s antennae spread to the sides. “Hmmm. One of the small carriers?”

“Yeah, same one a lot of the stalls are using.” Mara shrugged. “I mean, there’s just not much call for Earth freight out here…other than me.”

He pulled out his comm and began scrolling through data screens. “I bet I can get your freight here, two-thousand weight, every nine cycles, for under two-thousand credits.”

“Really? You like to gamble, huh?”

“I do.”

“Fifty credits again?”

“No. If I can’t, I’ll pay your entire next cargo fee. If I can, a free order of chips every time I come here.”

“You’re on.”

Mara went back to work, sparing an occasional glance at the munerin pilot talking to several other hawkers. The food market closed for the cycle, and she sent Lindl home while she cleaned up and prepared for the next.

Kintari approached. “If you give me your shipment details, I’ll have your orders here for 1,800 credits every nine cycles.”


“Larger ship, and instead of just picking up one order at Earth and delivering, I can pick up orders for twelve other stalls. Means I can run out here with a full ship and return with a full ship of ore every trip.”

Mara laughed. “Once again, I’m glad I lost a bet to you.”

His antennae dipped. “My pleasure.”

“Wait a minute…how many of the other twelve hawkers did you make the same bet with?”

His antennae bobbed up and down. “All of them.”

Trunk Stories

Now Hiring Heroes

prompt: Start your story with someone looking out the window and seeing the first snowfall of the season.

available at Reedsy

Jorge looked up from the envelope to watch the large, fat snow as it fell, sticking on the grass like a blanket but melting on contact with the asphalt. The first snow of the year was like so many others before. It wouldn’t last past noon. With the temperature just above freezing and an expected high ten degrees warmer, it would rain all afternoon.

His one-cup coffee maker finished its cycle, and he took the cup to the small breakfast nook. On a normal day, he’d get into uniform, pour his coffee into a travel mug and drink it on his way to the station. The days hadn’t been normal in a while.

After what he’d done, he’d had no luck finding a job with any police force in the region. As much as he hated the idea of leaving the Pacific Northwest, he began considering returning home to Puerto Rico to find work.

The envelope in his hand pulled his attention. The logo of the International League of Heroes above the words, “Now Hiring Heroes” adorned the envelope, and he thought it might be asking for donations.

Inside, though, was a letter, and Jorge knew it wasn’t boiler-plate, as there were too many details about his search for a department that would hire him. He read the whole thing, turned it over to see if there was something he was missing before he read it again.

Not only was the ILH offering him a job, but the letter also made it sound like they wanted a new super. He’d read a conspiracy theory about a “super serum” that was being used to create superheroes and supervillains but brushed it off as nonsense on the level of the faked moon landing theory.

The letter included strict language about non-disclosure, with the caveat that calling the number meant he agreed to those terms.

Whatever, he thought, I’m not finding any other work, and the pay’s good. I can at least see what the job is. Probably a desk assignment, but better than nothing.

He dialed the number which was answered on the first ring…by StarElla, one of the most powerful supers and current head of the ILH. He recognized her voice and slight Irish lilt from all the media she’d been in. “Good morning, Jorge,” she said. “I’m glad you decided to call. I’m StarElla and I look forward to meeting you.”

“Well, I didn’t expect to talk to you directly, but…uh…I was wondering what kind of job you could want me for? I mean, I’m a cop, and that’s all I’ve ever done. I guess I could work a desk or do detective work—”

She cut him off. “We want you to join the ILH as one of the supers.”

“You…what? I’m not…I’m just a guy. No supers in my family at all.”

“Then you would be the first in your family.”

“But…supers are born, not made. Unless you’re saying….”

StarElla laughed. “Some are born, but only if their parents are both supers, and even then, it’s one-in-four odds. The rest are made, and you have the qualities we’re looking for in a new member.”

“You mean the super serum is real?!”

“Not the way people seem to think.” She took a deep breath on the other end. “Jorge, if you do this, your entire life will change.”

“Will I have to move?”

“Just a couple months for the procedure and training. We could use a super in your neck of the woods, as you Americans say.”

“You know why I can’t find work as a cop anymore, right?”

I do. No one else in the League knows the details.”

“Maybe I am a traitor, though. I mean, I didn’t even hesitate when Internal Affairs asked for my help. Yeah, I helped IA put away a dozen dirty cops, but now I’m the bad guy.”

“That’s exactly why I want you. Jorge, as privileged as the information I’ve already given you is, I have something even more secret to share with you…if you want to help the League, that is.”

Jorge sighed. “You don’t even have to say it. I know what you’re hinting at, and if bad cops are dangerous, bad supers in the League are a thousand times worse. I’ll help.”


The lab hidden deep under the Alps near Airolo, Switzerland looked like something out of a movie…except for all the medical equipment that would outfit an Intensive Care unit in any hospital in the world.

StarElla was there to walk him through the procedure. She explained it all to him as the doctor attached the EKG, pulse oximeter, and BP monitors to the machines that beeped and hummed.

“The doctor’s already examined your DNA and determined the best changes to make. She’ll inject the nano bots that will edit the DNA in all your cells, beginning in your bone marrow and working out from there. After that, it’s a blast of EMP to shut down the bots, and a few weeks of training while your body clears them out.”

“So, is this how supervillains are made, too?”

“Unfortunately, most of them are made from black market bots that aren’t tuned for an individual’s DNA. There’s an even chance of getting a superpower or ending up disabled, disfigured, or even dead.”

“Fifty-fifty odds? Why take the chance?”

“Desperation, usually.”

“What happens if they don’t have an EMP device to shut down the bots?”

“Usually, they reach a point where the body begins to destroy them faster than they can replicate, but it can be months of illness before they’re cleared. In more rare cases, they don’t stop editing. Remember The Blob?”

“The guy that was a collection of limbs and mouths on a ten-foot ball of flesh? The one that ate his way through a jail wall, and ate four guards while he was at it?”

“That’s the one. She kept mutating, growing, and the constant hunger and pain drove her mad…that and the seven partial brains besides her original all getting and sending signals contradicting each other. The court found her unfit to stand trial, but sided with her sister when she requested euthanasia.”


The injection into the marrow of both femurs was excruciating, even with the anesthetics he’d been shot up with. He sucked air through his teeth and did his best not to complain.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor said as she forced the fluid into his bones, “but you have to be awake for this, and there’s no way to give you a spinal since we need to move you around.”

“I get it, doc,” he squeezed out through gritted teeth. “I’m Jorge, what’s your name? Come here often?”

She laughed. “I’m Doctor Singh, but you can call me Annie, it’s short for Ankita.”

“Nice to meet you, Annie. Is…is my butt supposed to feel like it’s burning?”

“Referred pain. You’ll be getting plenty of that over the next few hours while the bots even out. We’ll try to help out as much as we can.” She removed the long needles from his thighs and rolled a cart with a screen over his legs and adjusted the bed to a seated position.

“How long does it usually take for the powers to show up?” he asked.

“Anywhere from six to seventy-eight hours, so far. If you like, you can watch the spread of the bots on the monitor,” she said, pointing at the screen she was watching.

Jorge shook his head. Now that the injections were done, the pain had settled into something like a bad case of sciatica. “I think I’d rather focus on something other than my body right now.”

The pain began to ramp up. It felt like all his bones were on fire. When he could no longer speak from the pain, the doctor injected something into his IV. “This will take the edge off, and should put you right to sleep,” she said.

He felt the cooled liquid from the injection enter his vein, but nothing happened to change how he felt. “How—how long does it take?”

“It should be instant.” She went back and forth between the monitor and his vitals, before injecting a second, and then third dose. When he continued to watch her, she said, “You should be comatose from that much.”

“The pain in my bones seems to be settling down,” he said, glad of the reprieve. He felt as though all his muscles were on fire, and his joints felt as though they’d been sprained. “I feel like I’m being run over by a truck now.”

Ankita nodded to someone he couldn’t see, and they wheeled him into another room where she pulled off all the EKG leads and pads. “Let me help you onto the table. We need to do an MRI right away.”

Moving was difficult, but he made it to the MRI and the bed he’d been on was wheeled out. The machine was claustrophobic, with a steady thumping noise as the table moved him deeper and deeper within, capturing a full-body scan.

The thumping stopped and the table extended back out. Jorge struggled to sit up and look at himself. He hadn’t been in bad shape, but he’d been in better shape when he was younger. Now, though, it seemed he had almost no body fat, instead boasting well-defined, whippy muscle.

“Whoa, feeling dizzy,” he said.

The doctor helped him back to his bed, replaced the EKG pads and leads, and wheeled him back into the other room. “With all the work your body’s doing, your blood sugar is probably low.” She pricked his finger and squeezed. “Huh.” She did it again. Then a third time, before looking at her watch.

“What’s wrong?”

“Forty-three minutes. That’s the new low time for powers to first appear. I thought so from the MRI, but this confirms it,” she said, holding his finger.

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t get a blood drop from you, because you heal too fast. Matches what I saw in the scan. Your bones look like they’ve suffered a million hairline fractures and healed back. That means, of course, your bones are a great deal denser than they were. Seems like your body took the bots to be injuries, and with the edited DNA went to work repairing.”

“So, are they all gone, now?” he asked. Aside from the dizzy spell, he was feeling fine, if a little weak.

“It seems so, but we’re still going to EMP you.” She set a tray with orange juice and sandwiches in his lap. “You should eat this on the way.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. The EMP room contained a fine-mesh wire cage. His bed was rolled inside, and a single thump sound echoed through the room. “That’s the fastest we’ve ever processed a super,” Ankita said. “Still hungry?”

After another meal, this one far larger than any he’d eaten before, Jorge felt fine and was released from the doctor’s care. She told him how to get to StarElla’s office and saw him out the door.


The flight on the private jet home was mostly silent. Jorge had settled into a 30,000 calorie per day diet just to keep up. He’d spent six weeks learning the ins and outs of the League, and of detective work. He’d met a few of the “big names” in the League, and many regional heroes he’d never heard of. Like them, he would be stationed at his home, and available for calls in the region.

StarElla woke from her nap and stretched, hard enough for her bioluminescence from which she drew her name to shimmer through her clothes. She turned her seat around to face him. “I know we haven’t talked about it at all since that first call, but it’s time to fill you in.”

“I’m all ears, boss.”

“The League knows El Culebro, the new regional super with enhanced strength, durability, and super-regeneration. They don’t know that Jorge Colón, the man behind the mask, is the start of the League’s own Internal Affairs department.

“I want a full investigation of all the main members, and everyone that works at League headquarters, starting with me and Doctor Singh — the only other person besides you I know isn’t part of what’s going on. I’ll have plenty of assignments and trainings for you to attend that will cover your activities coming and going to HQ.”

“What, exactly, am I looking for?”

“Anything that would compromise a member; make them prone to do something they wouldn’t normally do for money.”

“You still haven’t told me what’s really going on,” Jorge said. “If you continue to not say, I might think you have something to hide.”

The smile that crossed her face was sad. “Four times out of the last nine that I was away from Airolo for more than a day there has been a theft of nanobots from the vault. The last time an EMP generator was stolen as well.”

“How much are we talking?”

“Enough to build an army.”

Jorge sighed. “I guess it’s too late to back out now.”

“Until your cover is blown,” StarElla said, “you’re the best bet I’ve got. It helps that you blew through the process so fast — it has everyone convinced that’s why I brought you in and that you’re my new pet project.”

“Until my cover is blown, I’ll be El Culebro, StarElla’s pet project. After that, though, things might get rough.”

“I’ll have your back when they do, Jorge. And when it’s just us, call me Sinead.”

“Oh. I—I thought your name was Ella.”

She smiled. “So does most everyone else, except the inner circle. Keep it under your hat, though.”

Jorge stuffed his hands into the pockets of his hoody and felt something there. He pulled it out to see envelope that had set him on this journey. “Now Hiring Heroes,” it still said.

He showed her the envelope and said, “I’m here. Now, I just need to live up to it.”