
New(?) sorting algorithm

George Papadopoulos has released BitFast – a linked list sorting algorithm with examples written in C and C++. He claims sort performance 10 times faster than the MergeSort Algorithm. (But where is the Big O notation?)

You can see the project site, which has a download link for the C and C++ source code. The explanation is fairly clear, although it seems a little sparse to me. The source code lacks in comments, and has been written as proof of concept only, but it will provide the experienced C or C++ developer with a better understanding of what he is doing.

Mostly, it looks like he is applying the Radix Sort Algorithm to linked lists of integers or floats. This does nothing for strings, and the proof-of-concept code is only set up to handle 32 bit number values only. Perhaps the only difference between Radix and BitFast, is that Papadopoulos claims that BitFast is an in-place algorithm and an online algorithm.

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