Category: PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor


Temporary Blandness

You mat have noticed that the site was down for a bit, and is back with a particularly bland and uninspired theme. This is due to my personal theme being so 2009 that it barfed when PHP was updated to PHP 8.

I had plans for the weekend, but it looks like some of them will be on hold while I get this fixed.


PECL on OS X Mountain Lion: Quick and dirty

Yes, this is pretty simple, but I had to look around for too long to find a solution that didn’t involve homebrew or ports or (even worse) some kind of path manipulation to install PEAR/PECL to MAMP. (No, I do not want to set my bash_profile to use the MAMP PHP over the default. And no, I don’t want to recompile PHP – at least not today and at least not until I want to upgrade the version installed.) I just wanted to install pecl_http to run some tests, and I figured if I didn’t put my notes somewhere I would lose them. So here they are.

Before you begin, you need to have Xcode installed – get it from the app store.

Installing PEAR (which includes PECL) is pretty straight-forward (thanks to Jason McCreary at

Two simple terminal commands, and some configuration:

curl -O sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar

in the configuration prompt –
Type 1 and then Return
then type:

Type 4 and then return and type

Hit return and you are done (with the first part).

Verify pear with:
pear version

Now, before you run off and type sudo pecl install pecl_http you should know that it will fail, as autoconf is not yet installed. Thankfully, this is quite simple as well, (thanks to This question on

Download the latest release

Extract the files and do a normal ./configure; make; sudo make install;

Now you can
sudo pecl install pecl_http


Symfony2 + Propel 1.6 with Memcache

I was looking for a way to put the Propel 1.6 “Instance Pool” into Memcache for a Symfony2 project I am working on, and I have managed it. Here is what I did; it may help you, but all the usual caveats apply. (Your mileage may vary. Use only under the direct supervision of your doctor. Do not allow children to use unsupervised. Not to be taken internally.)

What you have:

I am assuming that you currently have Symfony2 set up with Propel 1.6 as your ORM. If not there are guides (, to help you. Do that first, then come back. I’ll wait.

The setup I am using assumes you will have multiple servers behind a load balancer of some sort, along with a memcache server that is accessible to all of them.

This is a sample of such a setup.

What you need in Symfony2:

Now that you have Symfony2 and Propel 1.6 set up, you need to create a new Symfony bundle to handle your Memcache connections. (You will see the need for this soon.)

What I have done is create a bundle which will contain all my shared utilities among all the apps built on this Symfony2 instance. For the sake of this article we will call the bundle “MyApp.” (I am not going to go into detail on how to create a Symfony2 bundle – the Documentation is your friend.)

Once we have created a bundle and registered it with app/AppKernel.php by adding

new MyApp\MyAppBundle\MyAppBundle(),

in the $bundles array under registerBundles(), we need to create a class to read configurations from the app/config directory (config_dev.yml, config_test.yml and config_prod.yml) so that our Memcache settings can be configured by environment. Note that we are not adding any routes for this bundle, it is used for utility stuff only, not for routable pages.

For this we will also need to make sure that we have MyAppExtension and Configuration in place in src/MyApp/MyAppBundle/DependencyInjection.

This gives us access to anything in the config_XXX.yml files under the “my_app” node.

The configuration class we will call “MyAppConfiguration” and will place this in the src/MyApp directory.

Now that we have a class that can read our own special configurations we need to add a class to handle the Memcache connection.

For this example we will create this class as Poolcache\CacheHandler. In order to do that we add a directory in src/MyApp called Poolcache and create the CacheHandler.php there. This means we can now set up the Memcache server locations based on the environment. For example, in config_dev.yml you might include:

        port:   11211
        expire: 120

While in config_prod.yml you might use:

        server: mymemcache.mydomain.dom
        port:   11211
        expire: 3600

(All the sample files can be downloaded here.)

Creating the Propel behavior:

Now that we have Symfony2 set up the way we need, we can add the Propel behavior. In the vendor/propel/generator/lib/behavior directory we will be adding MemcachedPoolBehavior.php.

This class uses the parser to replace some of the code in the generated classes.

require_once __DIR__.'/../util/PropelPHPParser.php';
class MemcachedPoolBehavior extends Behavior

     * Filter to add the CacheHandler class to the Peer objects so they
     * can use Memcached or whatever other cache you want to use
    public function peerFilter(&$script)
        $keyname = $this->getTable()->getPhpName();
        $newAddInstanceToPool = "
    public static function addInstanceToPool(\$obj, \$key = null)
        if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
            if (\$key === null) {
                \$key = (string) \$obj->getId();
            } // if key === null
            \$cache = \\MyApp\\Poolcache\\CacheHandler::getInstance();
            \$pool = \$cache->getPool('%s');
            \$pool[\$key] = \$obj;
            \$cache->setPool('%s', \$pool);
            /*self::\$instances[\$key] = \$obj;*/
        $newAddInstanceToPool = sprintf($newAddInstanceToPool, $keyname, $keyname);
        $parser = new PropelPHPParser($script, true);
        $parser->replaceMethod('addInstanceToPool', $newAddInstanceToPool);
        $script = $parser->getCode();

        $newRemoveInstanceFromPool = "
    public static function removeInstanceFromPool(\$value)
        if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled() && \$value !== null) {
            if (is_object(\$value) && \$value instanceof %s) {
                \$key = (string) \$value->getId();
            } elseif (is_scalar(\$value)) {
                // assume we've been passed a primary key
                \$key = (string) \$value;
            } else {
                \$e = new PropelException(\"Invalid value passed to removeInstanceFromPool().
                    Expected primary key or %s object; got \" .
                    (is_object(\$value) ? get_class(\$value) . ' object.' : var_export(\$value,true)));
                throw \$e;
            \$cache = \\MyApp\\Poolcache\\CacheHandler::getInstance();
            \$pool = \$cache->getPool('%s');
            \$cache->setPool('%s', \$pool);

        $newRemoveInstanceFromPool = sprintf($newRemoveInstanceFromPool, $keyname, $keyname, $keyname, $keyname);
        //$parser = new PropelPHPParser($script, true);
        $parser->replaceMethod('removeInstanceFromPool', $newRemoveInstanceFromPool);
        $script = $parser->getCode();

        $newGetInstanceFromPool = "
    public static function getInstanceFromPool(\$key)
        if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
            \$cache = \\MyApp\\Poolcache\\CacheHandler::getInstance();
            \$pool = \$cache->getPool('%s');
            if (isset(\$pool[\$key])) {
                return \$pool[\$key];
        return null; // just to be explicit

        $newGetInstanceFromPool = sprintf($newGetInstanceFromPool, $keyname);
        //$parser = new PropelPHPParser($script, true);
        $parser->replaceMethod('getInstanceFromPool', $newGetInstanceFromPool);
        $script = $parser->getCode();

        $newClearInstancePool = "
    public static function clearInstancePool()
        \$cache = \\MyApp\\Poolcache\\CacheHandler::getInstance();
        /*self::\$instances = array();*/

        $newClearInstancePool = sprintf($newClearInstancePool, $keyname);
        //$parser = new PropelPHPParser($script, true);
        $parser->replaceMethod('clearInstancePool', $newClearInstancePool);
        $script = $parser->getCode();


Notice that we are calling the static getInstance method on the cache handler class we created earlier, and using that to move the instancePool from the classes static properties to the memcached server.

Final steps:

Back in Symfony2, add the following to app/config/propel.ini:

#memcaching instance pool
propel.behavior.memcachedpool.class = behavior.MemcachedPoolBehavior

And in your Symfony2 application bundles, when you set your Resources/config/schema.xml for Propel you can add <behavior name="memcachedpool" /> to place the instance pool into memcache. Like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<database name="default" namespace="Acme\HelloBundle\Model" defaultIdMethod="native">

    <table name="book">
        <column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
        <column name="title" type="varchar" primaryString="1" size="100" />
        <column name="ISBN" type="varchar" size="20" />
        <column name="author_id" type="integer" />
        <foreign-key foreignTable="author">
            <reference local="author_id" foreign="id" />
        <behavior name="memcachedpool" />

    <table name="author">
        <column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
        <column name="first_name" type="varchar" size="100" />
        <column name="last_name" type="varchar" size="100" />
        <behavior name="memcachedpool" />


This means you can pick and choose which classes are maintained in Memcache as well, so that not every class needs to be there.


Simplified ANSI color term support in PHP

I was working on a script that needed some color terminal output and while it wasn’t particularly complicated, I found it was slowing me down. Flipping back and forth between a list of ANSI color codes and my work was frustrating. So, I did what I am often prone to do, I did a quick Google search for a PHP ANSI color terminal library. I found some things that were old, not maintained and not really fitting what I needed. So then, I did what I always end up doing in that situation, I built one.

The ANSI class is a way to quickly create several different foreground and background color combos along with a few style effects (like underline, inverse, and if you really must, blink). Of course the style effects only work on the standard 16 ANSI VT-100 terminal colors (the normal and “bold” or “bright” versions of black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan and white.)

The simplest way to use it is to create a new ANSI object for each color combo you want. So if you want red text on a white background, underlined bright green text on a black background and blue text on a yellow background, you could create three objects like so:

$red_white = new ANSI(ANSI::RED, ANSI::WHITE);
$bright_green_black = new ANSI(ANSI::GREEN, ANSI::BLACK, array(ANSI::BRIGHT, ANSI::UNDERLINE));
$blue_yellow = new ANSI('blue', 'yellow');

Notice that I used a couple different ways of setting the colors, the class constant ints and strings. The effects are set in an array since you can chain multiple effects on a single color scheme (until you get into the extended color space, more on that in a minute.) Once you have these objects, styling your terminal output is simple.

$red_white->p("This is red on a white background, and prints no newline.");
$bright_green_black->p("This is bright green on a black background and prints no newline.");
$blue_yellow->pline("This is blue on a yellow background and will print a newline character.");
$red_white->pline("This is now white on a red background.");

The p() and pline() methods will spit out the correct escape sequence and color codes to style and color the text, then print the text, then spit out the correct escape sequence and color code to “reset” the term to its default. This means no running a script that displays a warning then leaves your terminal bright yellow text on a red background.

So now that the standard color space is taken care of, how about a little love for the xterm 256 color space? Simple enough. Any int value passed to the color arguments of the constructor greater than 7 will automatically invoke the 256 color space. The first 16 colors (0 – 15) are just the default terminal colors, of course, but colors 16 – 231 are the extended color space, with 24 greyscale values from colors 232 – 255. So how do we know what color is what? Well, we can either call one of the static functions to view the color space (ANSI::showForegroundColors(), ANSI::showBackgroundColors()) or we can pass in a value from the static ANSI::rgb($r, $g, $b) function, which takes, you guessed it, three integer values from 0 – 255. While ANSI::rgb() tries to get to the closest color in the color space it still needs work. The very simplistic manner in which it is currently implemented is not the most accurate. It is on my to-do list somewhere, though.

$grey_gold = new ANSI(ANSI::rgb(31, 31, 31), ANSI::rgb(204, 153, 0));
$grey_gold->pline("This is grey text on a gold background.");
// effects don't work in the extended color space, except for inverse
$grey_gold->pline("This is gold text on a grey background");

If you know of any way to apply the ANSI styles (underline, blink, inverse) in conjunction with the extended color space leave a comment to let me know. If you think the script could use some extra functionality do the same.

It is not incredibly clever or full-featured or any of those sorts of things, but it does what I needed it to do. If you would like to, you can download a copy a copy of the ANSI class ( – it is released under the MIT license, and is free to use, copy, distribute, etc etc.


PHP Singleton? Not really

If you couldn’t tell by the long silence, things around here have been not so quiet as I had hoped. However, while reading the PHP: Patterns page I came across a large number of implementations of the Singleton pattern.

I happen to like the Singleton pattern, and use it in Java and Python (where the VM maintains the “one and only one” instance) but no so much in PHP.

Why, you ask? It is simply this: you cannot create a true Singleton in a PHP web application. Since every page load is executed in a separate thread, every page load has it’s own instance of the class. Any hope of true Singleton behavior is lost.

As a way to illustrate this, here is a PHP “Singleton” class and an associated PHP page. Throw them up on a test server and hit the page.

Then try to increment the counter. See what happens, I’ll wait.

The class:

 * test for PHP multi-threaded singleton
class Singleton {
  private static $instance;
  private $counter;

   * Constructor is private
  private function __construct() {
    $this->counter = 0;

   * Entry point. Get the static instance of Singleton
  public static function getInstance() {
    if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
      self::$instance = new Singleton();
    return self::$instance;

  public function __clone() {
    trigger_error('Clone not allowed for '.__CLASS__, E_USER_ERROR);

  public function incrementCounter() {

  public function getCounter() {
    return $this->counter;

The page:

$s = Singleton::getInstance();
if (isset($_GET['inc'])) {
<head><title>Multi-threading PHP Singleton? Not Likely</title></head>
<h3>Singleton test</h3>
<p>The counter is at <?php echo $s->getCounter(); ?></p>
<pre><?php var_dump($s); ?></pre>
<p><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?inc=1">Increment the counter</a></p>

In this first version, even within one browser the limitations are clear. The Singleton instance is recreated on every page load. So, what if we serialize our $counter variable to disk? Will that help? Let’s try it.

The modified class:

 * test for PHP multi-threaded singleton
class Singleton {
  private static $instance;
  private $counter;

   * Constructor is private
  private function __construct() {
    $init = 0;
    if (file_exists('/tmp/singleton.ser')) {
      $str = file_get_contents('/tmp/singleton.ser');
      $init = unserialize($str);
    $this->counter = $init;

   * Entry point. Get the static instance of Singleton
  public static function getInstance() {
    if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
      self::$instance = new Singleton();
    return self::$instance;

  public function __clone() {
    trigger_error('Clone not allowed for '.__CLASS__, E_USER_ERROR);

   * Since PHP does not create "only one" instance globally, but by thread, we
   * need a way to store our instance variables so that each thread is getting
   * the same values.
   * Note that threads holding a version of this will have the old value until
   * they reload the Singleton (by a page refresh, etc).
  public function incrementCounter() {
    // We need to update the serialized value
    $handle = fopen('/tmp/singleton.ser', 'w+');
    // Get an EXCLUSIVE lock on the file to block any other reads/writes while
    // we modify
    if (flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) {
      // Only update the instance variable's value AFTER we have a lock
      // empty the file
      ftruncate($handle, 0);
      // write out the value
      fwrite($handle, serialize($this->counter));
      // and unlock so that everyone else can read the new value
      flock($handle, LOCK_UN);
    } else {
      // You would probably prefer to throw an Exception here
      echo "Couldn't get the lock!";

  public function getCounter() {
    return $this->counter;

The modified page:

$s = Singleton::getInstance();
if (isset($_GET['inc'])) {
} else if (isset($_GET['ext'])) {
  $x = true;
<head><title>Multi-threading PHP Singleton? Not Likely</title></head>
<h3>Singleton test</h3>
<p>The counter is at <?php echo $s->getCounter(); ?></p>
<pre><?php var_dump($s); ?></pre>
<?php if ($x) for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
  $s = Singleton::getInstance();
  echo '<p>The counter is at '.$s->getCounter().'</p><p>';
  // wait
  for ($j = 0; $j < 10000; $j++) { echo '. '; }
    echo '</p>';
<p><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?inc=1">Increment the counter</a></p>
<p><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?ext=1">Do a long list</a> 
fire this off in one browser and increment in another.</p>

Using the modified versions above, open two separate browsers. Point both at the page and increment in one then reload the other. So far so good. Now set off the long list in the one and increment in the other while it is still running. What happened? The Singleton pattern works within a given thread, so for as long as that thread runs, changes made to the Singleton’s serialized data will not be available in another thread. There is a possible work-around, which would be to read and unserialize the value every time getCounter() is called. At the expense of a little more overhead the expected behavior in terms of object state can be obtained. But back to the real question: Is it a Singleton? Well no, not really in the sense that most of us think of a Singleton, which is system or application-wide. But it is at least within its containing thread, which might make it more useful for command-line PHP in long-running scripts. (Like those report generation scripts that you are running in a daily cron job that join 18 tables and generate 500,000 line csv files … no? Just me?)


Apache and PHP HTTP PUT Voodoo

While trying to work out the details for a PHP REST utility I kept running into a wall when it came to using HTTP PUT (and HTTP DELETE) with Apache 2.2 and PHP 5. There are plenty of scattered tidbits of information relating to this on forums about the web, many old, and many more incomplete or even unhelpful. [As a side note: if someone on a forum you frequent is asking for help with getting HTTP PUT to work in Apache, telling them “Don’t use PUT it lets the hax0rs put files on your server! N00b! Use POST LOL!!11!” is not helping, nor does it make you look intelligent.]

The first hint I came across was putting Script PUT put.php in your httpd.conf in the <Directory> section. (That is, of course, assuming that your script for handling PUT requests is called put.php.)

I tried that and on restarting Apache got the error “Invalid command ‘Script’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration” – which lead to a short bit of research (thanks Google!) that pointed out that the Script directive requires mod_actions be enabled in Apache. I did that and then tried to hit my script with a PUT request, to which I got a 405 error: “The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL /test/put.php”.

Well, that was certainly strange, so I added <Limit> and <LimitExcept> blocks to my <Directory> section, but to no avail. So I changed the <Directory> directive from <Directory /var/www/test> to <Directory /var/www/test/put.php>. It looked strange, but what the heck, worth a try. I could now do PUT requests, but only as long as the url was /test/put.php, and that is not what is wanted when putting together a RESTful application. Trying to do anything useful, like a PUT to /test/put.php/users/ resulted in more 405 errors, now saying “The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL /test/put.php/users/”.

So, back to the httpd.conf to change the <Directory> back to the previous. And then on to the other method I saw in a few places, using mod_rewrite to forward PUT (and DELETE) requests to the script. Of course, everywhere I saw this listed it was claimed that this alone (without the Script directive) was enough to enable PUT. So, I commented out the Script directive and added some mod_rewrite statements to the .htaccess file (which is always preferable in development as you can make changes on the fly without reloading or restarting the server.) So I added a RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} (PUT|DELETE) and a RewriteRule .* put.php.

And, I went back to test it again and, big surprise, got a 405 error again. Now, even when pointing directly at /test/put.php I got a 405 error. So, I decided to try combining the two. I uncommented the lines in the httpd.conf and bumped the server and was pleasantly surprised that PUT (and DELETE) requests to the /test/ directory were properly handled by the script. Now I could do something useful, like add another mod_rewrite rule to send all traffic for /api/ to the /test/put.php and call /api/users/ with a PUT (or DELETE) request and it was properly handled!

So, putting it all together:

In Apache: enable mod_actions and mod_rewrite. In Gentoo: make sure the lines

LoadModule actions_module modules/


LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

in httpd.conf are not commented out. In Debian the commands

a2enmod actions


a2enmod rewrite

do the trick.

In the httpd.conf add the following:

<Directory /var/www/test>
        Order allow,deny
        # You might want something a little more secure here, this is a dev setup
        Allow from all
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
    Script PUT /var/www/test/put.php
    Script DELETE /var/www/test/put.php

And finally, in the .htaccess add the rewrite voodoo:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /test
RewriteRule ^/?(api)/? put.php [NC]
RewriteRule .* put.php

Hopefully this works as well for you as it did for me. Now to get back to business of actually writing the code to deal with the request and dispatch it appropriately (which may be a post for another day, or you can have a look at how some others have done it.)

By the way, for testing I have found the Firefox plugin Poster to be immensely useful, as well as the Java based RESTClient.


Comparing PHP array_shift to array_pop

I noticed a note in the PHP documentation about speed differences between array_shift() (pulling the first element off the array) and array_reverse() followed by array_pop() (resulting in the same data, but got to by pulling the last element off the array).

Since I was working on some code to convert URL pieces to program arguments (like turning /admin/users/1/edit into section=admin, module=users, id=1, action=edit – stuff we tend to do every day) I thought I would take a look at the speed differences since I have always used array_shift() for this (after turning the string into an array via explode()).

My initial tests showed that array_shift was much faster than array_reverse followed by array_pop, and I wondered why someone would say that in the first place. But then I thought about it for a bit. When using array_shift the entire remaining array has to be re-indexed every call. For a very short array (like the one I was using) this is negligible. When you start looking at much larger arrays, however, this overhead adds up quickly.

To find out roughly where the break-even point on these two methods lie I whipped up a quick script to run with arrays sized from 10^1 values up to 10^5 values. What I found is that at less than 100 values you are not really gaining much (if anything) by using array_reverse and array_pop versus array_shift. Once you get to the 1000 value array size, however, the differences really add up (as you can see in the logarithmic scaling of the chart below).


The code I used to generate the numbers (which are shown in the chart as averages over 3 runs, rounded to the nearest millionth of a second) is:

$counts = array(10,100,1000,10000,100000);
foreach ($counts as $len)
	$m2 = $m1 = array();
	$x = 1;
	while ($x <= $len)
		$m2[] = $m1[] = $x;
	echo "Timing with array_shift() for $len items\n";
	echo "000000";
	$s1 = microtime(true);
	while (!empty($m1))
		$tmp = array_shift($m1);
		if ($tmp % 10 == 0)
			echo chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8);
			echo str_pad(''.$tmp,6,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
	$s2 = microtime(true);
	echo "\nTook ",$s2 - $s1," seconds\n";
	echo "Timing with array_reverse and array_pop() for $len items\n";
	$s1 = microtime(true);
	$m2 = array_reverse($m2);
	while (!empty($m2))
		$tmp = array_pop($m2);
		if ($tmp % 10 == 0)
			echo chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8),chr(8);
			echo str_pad(''.$tmp,6,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
	$s2 = microtime(true);
	echo "\nTook ",$s2 - $s1," seconds\n";
	echo "\n";

Error Handling and the PHP @ Operator

I have been trying to debug a plugin for WordPress (Shorten2Ping – I will keep plugging this because I think it is so nifty!) and I was running into a problem where the plugin would silently fail with nothing in the logs, no error printing to screen, just dead silence.

I turned on display_errors in php.ini for a while to see if anything would show up. Still nothing. So I started to look through the file again. I knew it was getting as far as creating the short url in before it died, but nothing was getting entered into the database. So I started through the make_bitly_url() function and what jumped out and slapped me in the face? $json = @json_decode($response,true); That little, innocuous-looking @ was gulping the error message from a fatal error! (Namely, “Call to undefined function json_decode()“). It turns out that I had PHP compiled with –disable-json, which is default for Gentoo unless you have json in your USE flags.

According to the PHP docs for the Error Control Operator @:

Currently the “@” error-control operator prefix will even disable error reporting for critical errors that will terminate script execution. Among other things, this means that if you use “@” to suppress errors from a certain function and either it isn’t available or has been mistyped, the script will die right there with no indication as to why.

So, if you really must supress error messages, do so, but do so with care. In the case where a suppressed error may be fatal (as in this case) be sure to add documentation to that effect. As in “If this dies a silent death it may very well be that you do not have function xyz() enabled.”

And, note to self, when debugging PHP, the first thing to do is look for and remove the error control operator.


SPDO moving to SourceForge (I hope)

While school has kept me busy during my non-work hours I have not had much time to tend to other projects like SPDO. Seeing how my “Abandoned Project Takeover” has been approved on SourceForge, however, has encouraged me to set aside some time to do some house cleaning on the code to get the 1.0b ready to bump to 1.0 stable. According the information they have given me it takes 2 to 3 weeks to fully process an “APT” so I do have a little time (although not a lot). This is not the first time I have tried to do this, but last time it never made it to the approval stage and languished in the queue until it timed out. So, now that it was approved and has been in the queue for 4 business days I am hopeful.

In a lot of ways, moving the project to SourceForge is a lot like making a physical change of residence. It will require updating links, setting up the pages there including wiki, bug tracking, etc, and moving the actual code base over. (Good thing it’s small!)

As always, any suggestions, bugs, or feature requests are welcome, and (for now) should be posted at the page set aside for just that.


SPDO 1.0b Release Candidate 1

SPDO version 1.0 beta Release Candidate 1 is out the door. This version adds the following:

Three custom Exception classes: SPDOError, ConnectionFailedError and ForeignKeyViolationError. Which are used (in order) when the program encounters an unknown sql error, a failure to connect to the database, and a violation of a foreign key constraint. Which means, of course, that foreign key constraints are now part of SPDO.

How this was accomplished is through the use of the new DbBuilder class. The DbBuilder class takes a multi-dimensional dict (Python) or array (PHP) of table and field data to build the tables and create triggers in MySQL and SQLite and add foreign keys in PostgreSQL. As an example consider the following:

In Python:

structure = {
        'last_name':['varchar(50)', 'NONULL', 'INDEX']
        'author_id':['int', "FK_CASCADE('authors','id')", 'INDEX'],
        'title':['varchar(100)','NONULL', 'INDEX']
dbb = DbBuilder(structure)


$structure = array(
        'last_name'=>array('varchar(50)', 'NONULL', 'INDEX')
        'author_id'=>array('int', "FK_CASCADE('authors','id')", 'INDEX'),
        'title'=>array('varchar(100)','NONULL', 'INDEX')
$dbb = DbBuilder($structure)

This results in the following queries to be executed:

In PostgreSQL:

CREATE TABLE authors (
    first_name VARCHAR(50) ,
    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    author_id INTEGER ,
    title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX authors_last_name_idx ON authors(last_name_id);
CREATE INDEX books_author_id_idx ON books(author_id);
CREATE INDEX books_title_idx ON books(title);


CREATE TABLE authors (
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
    author_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE fk_error_msg (
INSERT INTO fk_error_msg VALUES ('Foreign Key Constraint Violated!');
ALTER TABLE authors ADD INDEX(last_name);
ALTER TABLE books ADD INDEX(author_id);
CREATE TRIGGER fki_books_author_id
            0 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM authors WHERE id=new.author_id)
            INSERT fk_error_msg VALUES ('Foreign Key Constraint Violated!');
        END IF;
CREATE TRIGGER fku_books_author_id
            0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM authors WHERE id = new.author_id )
            INSERT INTO fk_error_msg VALUES ('Foreign Key Constraint Violated!');
        END IF ;
CREATE TRIGGER fkdc_books_author_id
    BEFORE DELETE ON authors
        DELETE FROM books WHERE;

In SQLite:

CREATE TABLE authors (
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
    author_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX authors_last_name_idx ON authors(last_name);
CREATE INDEX books_author_id_idx ON books(author_id);
CREATE INDEX books_title_idx ON books(title);
CREATE TRIGGER fki_books_author_id
    BEFORE INSERT ON [books]
            SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table "books" violates foreign key constraint "fki_books_author_id"')
            WHERE NEW.author_id IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT id FROM authors WHERE id = NEW.author_id) IS NULL;
CREATE TRIGGER fku_books_author_id
    BEFORE UPDATE ON [books]
            SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table "books" violates foreign key constraint "fku_books_author_id"')
            WHERE NEW.author_id IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT id FROM authors WHERE id = NEW.author_id) IS NULL;
CREATE TRIGGER fkdc_books_author_id
    BEFORE DELETE ON authors
            DELETE FROM books WHERE books.author_id =;

Be sure to check out the wiki, and the source code is all readable there, or download and enjoy. There are still a few edits that need to happen in the comments (like versions need to be updated, and changelogs added and there are a few typos probably still lurking about.)