
Why I won’t upgrade my iPhone firmware (yet)

Ok, the iPhone 2.0 firmware (actually 1.2.0) is out, and the app store is up and only works with 2.0 firmware and iTunes 7.7 but I won’t do it. Not yet anyway. I am waiting for a jailbreak solution for 2.0 or some additions to the app store before I upgrade. I have been using Zibri’s ZiPhone up to now and actually have quite a few apps that I use on a daily basis.

So, am I just too cheap to pay for apps? No, that’s not it at all. In fact, if the apps I needed were on the store I would upgrade and buy them (and possibly have some support options) and be done with it. While there are some apps that are in the store that I currently use (Shopping List, Twinkle, Book Reader) there are others that aren’t (Terminal, anyone?).

So, until I can jailbreak 2.0 or until the app store catches up with what I actually use, no dice.

2 comments Why I won’t upgrade my iPhone firmware (yet)

Jon J. says:

what you say is a true story…
Twinkle was release on app store on July 17th. It was a big need for me to have that. Although, I like twitterific pretty well.

Personally I can’t live without NemusSync. Synchronizes all of your google calendar events with your phones iCal. This is something you can’t even get from mobileMe.

A note about Terminal though. The apple SDK won’t let you create apps that run in the background in any fashion. To some this is a limitation. To others it appears that apple is protecting their product. Making sure people don’t write apps that suck up battery life and reduce the users experience. I have mixed emotions about this but all and all, We won’t be seeing things like SSH on a legit phone for some time if ever. Additionally due to licensing I believe Apple won’t let you write an application that uses software under certain open source licensing like the one SSH is under. I believe this means that if you want an SSH client in tandem with your terminal app you are screwed unless you are jailbroken.

At this point I think there is going to be a place for development in both worlds. I think it depends on how high you rate on the nerd scale though.

Jon J. says:

Check out modmyifone.com
I downloaded their 2.0 unlocker and unlocked and jailbroke my 1st gen phone. I can download apps from iTunes app store and run cydia installer to install jailbroken apps.

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